King Triton gone wild

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I can't believe I fall asleep after we get drunk yesterday. I have a sloth skill, so it's already a given that wether I like it or not I cannot sleep but in turn of events after we drink a barrel of beer that I buy from my magic shop I get drunk who's even surpass my sloth skill.

I rise in the sofa where I fell at sleep and I saw Ursula and the twin whom pass out in the ground.
I regret buying a beer. And on top of that this is the day we're supposed to plan and to get dress right now! I mean, It's Ariel's 16th birthday! And its already noon when I woke up!

You ask why I buy beer in the first place? You should ask Ursula about that.

A toddler Ursula said
"Let's make a party tonight!"

"Why?" I ask

"Because we should celebrate our victory in advance!" She said excitedly
"And besides we should also celebrate Flotsam and Jetsam first hunting!"

The twin look at me excitedly

And the me, who's weak in child support their foolish Ideas.
I didn't notice it but minute by minute I already buy 3 box of beer. I don't know what it name is because all of the product in the shop doesn't contain name it's all covered in gold aluminium foil. But you can guess what it is because one of the option in the shop is you can buy what ever you want buy searching your item in the category menu.
If you want beer then, you should go to the beer category. If you want noodles, then go to the noodles one. So, basically it's a suprise item and you can't pick a brand or flavor that you want.

When I first buy cellphone I luckily got an iPhone and its quality is good. But when I buy cellphone for Ursula for the first time I always draw Nokia that it's screen is still black and white. Buying cellphone cost a lot but I'm rich enough to buy 10 cellphone. But out of those 10 only 4 of those are touch screen and in a good quality. I give the 3 to Ursula and the twin while the last one I gave it to Ariel. Let's say it's a advance birthday present for her.
Isn't this shop too gamble? It's looks like a gatcha if I say so myself.

Enough with that. I look at them and I feel guilt in my heart. A two young kid and a toddler det drunk in front of me! I mean, they are all adult but their current body is that of a child!
I cast Ice magic and form it in a small box and put it in their shirt


"Oh, good thing you wake up that fast"

"What the hell are you doing silver!"

"Don't you know what day it is? Hurry up and get ready!"

"Oh!" Ursula said in suprise

"You twin, follow me"

I bring the twin to my room and dress them one by one. I only put a matching T-shirt to them and I use cream to their tail to make it look shine.

We go outside and saw the toddler Ursula who wears a transparent black coat with a small bra.

"Let's go" she said


Its already 6 pm in the evening. I and the twins successfully entered in Atlantica kingdom mansion. Thanks to the invitation we got we entered without a hassle.
Silver already went to the place where Ariel might be.
So, our mission here is to stay low and act as a child as we could. And report to silver if there are some unexpected event that might happen here.
Silver said that this world is the same from the Disney movie that he watch when he was young. Isn't it crazy that we live in a crazy world where written by a certain someone and our future are already predicted?
At first I didn't believe it but... This is Silver where talking about!. He's too serious that can't even say a single joke and he's quiet as a squirrel, sometimes I can't imagine what the hell is his thinking. He always think deep and laugh out of nowhere I find it kind of creepy acting like that all of a sudden.

We sit in our sit. Since we are a group of children, the elderly let us sit in the front sit.
This might be the privilege of being a child.
Flotsam carrying me and let me sit on his lap while Jetsam sitting beside us.
Ofcourse I didn't do it because I want to, this is because of Silver's ridiculous plan.

"You should let the twin to hold and carry you to avoid suspicious. And also don't let a single word out in your mouth. You are still 1 year old in the other's eye, becareful"

That just what he said and swim to the opposite direction.

Let's just keep a low profile for now.

"Boss are you hungry?"
Jetsam ask
"Here, lollipop" he add

I get it and look at it. Remember! Don't say a single word!

"Let me open it for you" Flotsam said and give the lollipop to me

I didn't notice it but where the hell did they learn this kind of thing? It's probably be Silver's influence. He always spoil and teach this kids something wierd behind my back.

I look at them.
"Wait!, Why both of your face red? Have a fever?"


Omg! Did they hear me? I look around and take a peek if they saw me talking but luckily enough it's as if they didn't hear it.
I raise both of my hand and place it to their foreheads.

They both hold my hand. How dare! Are they rejecting me?

"No! We don't have fever" Flotsam hide his face
"Boss is silly" Jetsam said in a pouting face

"Seriously, why your face red then?" I whispered


Why this place so noisy all of a sudden?
Did I get discovered!??

"It's already 7 pm but the party didn't start"
"I heard they waiting for someone"
"Are they waiting for the right hand man of the king? What his name again?"
"Oh right, I heard Sebastian is missing for a week now"

What? The right hand man of King Triton gone missing? Lately when we are spying the palace through magic crystal I heard that Sebastian are the only one who can control the group of band fish because of his skill 'tame' and now that he's missing the party can't even start.

Also King Triton is nowhere to be seen! He suppose to be sitting in his throne and wait for his daughter to arrive.
What the hell is going on here?

Sfx: Swim Swim

A group of mermaid knights swim and scatter in every corner of the mansion. All of mermaids here gone panick! And so am I!

We can escape here if we want but first thing first, we should know what kind of situation we are now!


A loud noise came from the backstage of the stage.

"Let's run!"

The mermaids here gone crazy! And they start to swim to the entrance to go out.
Ofcourse we swim too! We didn't come here to die after all.
But I flinch when I heard a familiar voice


Sfx: Thunder
Sfx: crack

Oh no! This building can't stand it!

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