Beastmen from another world!?

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After I click the yes button for my evolution I feel like I'm about to faint again but to be surprised the twin suddenly make a loud noise


What the hell is happening? its not that the twin is rarely making a noise like this. I'm about to faint to finally get my evolution but I decided to stay a wake for a second I put a toothpick made of ice in my eyes and take a peek of what's happening there


What the crap is this!? Ursula faint? To think that Ursula faint before me! And the reason for her faint is..

I look around and there's a crystal ball shinning in red as if it's made for a warning sign. The twin held her and make her sit while my left hand is healing her and I keep watching what this shit is. And apparently I saw my birthplace! And a huge magic circle that is perfectly enough to fit a person there. And I'm not surprised anymore my theory is correct! A beastmen looking type teleporting to this world!
I remember correctly when Ursula teach me about this world that there's only 2 race in this world and that is mermaid and human. So where the hell this people came from?
Oh right! My birthplace is somehow the connection between in different world!
I keep observing but their number is not a joke. Are they planning to build an army here? And what's gotten to Ursula fainting after seeing this?
And I noticed that one of the beastmen planting something like a glow stone. What is that? And the place where they plant is became colourless! And there's more! The sea animals that leaving there is fainting and now there's a lot of fish floating in that area! So if I sum it up its an item that sucking someone energy and store it to the crystal. But why? Why the hell bother go to this world just to suck life energy here? If you want it so badly do this to your world and please don't involve us!

Urgh! I should be faint now and sleeping comfortably while waiting for my evolution but this sudden turn of events make me sick! It's make sense Ursula faint for something like this. She guard this labyrinth for ages and she's strong enough to feel the sucking stone and drain her energy. I look for another magic crystal, apparently there's two magic crystal here. And guess what? A group of mermaid are coming to that place wearing unusual clothes and a .....

A fork!? A huge fork I mean. Who would guess a mascular and we'll build mermaid fighting with a huge fork? I mean sure it's sharp but not a sword or spear but a fork!? But well it's not that I didn't expect it in a world full of unknown. I don't know what this weapon name in this world but I saw one in our world when someone cosplaying in a school festival. What does it's called? A Trident? Let's don't meddle with it anymore the problem is..


It's not that I care but com'on even Ursula faint with this distance what's more a lowly mermaid can do? Like, hello? It's a sea witch you know! Sea witch!

They keep planting those wierd stone and even Flotsam and Jetsam are in a weak state. I can't let this happen.


So here I am today reporting live with an Ice toothpick in my eyes that a hundreds of beastman is gathering here and keep sucking life energy and to be surprised I'm not affect by some unknown reason. Is it perhaps I'm a visitor in this world?

Earlier I my speed is decreased and I'm phanting. Why you ask? Because I suppose to be faint here! Com'on Why would I need to suffer like this all I want is to evolve in peace! I tried to open my window status but it seems that the system is in chaos either It's always glitch and making a wierd sound. I'm not going to explode am I ?

Things come first I block the entrance in this cave with a piercy with acid Ice. So those mermaid can't come here. I'm saving your life here, you mermaid! You should be thanking me after this. Oh if I successfully retrieved the stone and show them that I defeated them should they perhaps give me a prize? If so, can you give us Ariel's voice?

Kidding ..

But.. it's not a bad plan right? LOL I might get drill by the king then.

In front of me is the beastmen they on ground of course and I'm in water and it's seems that I'm stuck and can't go near them. The water flow can't reach them so what the fish I'm supposed to do here?

Put that aside

There's really a lot of fish floating here it's seems that they're dead. If this continue this world is doomed. What the hell they're doing here anyway. I made 2 magic circles in both of my fragile hands and let's the operation begin!!

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