Apocalypse Planet X

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"You are not planning on kidnapping me are you?" I said while looking at him seriously

"Do you think I'm that kind of a Hooligan" he said while focusing and preparing his spaceship

Hmmm... I keep observing him every time he moves who knows if he plot something funny in his head.
By the way this spaceship that we are riding right now is kind of desame from my old world. It's not that the earth that I use to live has a spaceship it's just that the inside of the spaceship is desame to the airplane. Somehow it's really remind me of my old world.

"Can't you really remember me Silver?" He said while driving

"Yes" I shortedly said.


What's this heavy atmosphere? I feel like I'm going to drown. Should I try to make a joke? But we're not that close yet.

Anyway this room is full of silence

And it's more awkward when he live with us together with the gang. I mean, c'mon if a nobody come to your house without a consent and in a suprise at that isn't it too suffocating.
The one thing that I notice back then is he keep looking at me secretly but he keeps avoiding me when I look back. And when I ask him something he look stiff and awkward and somehow his neck turn red. Is he having a fever? It's not that I can guarantee because his face is covered with his thick black eyeglasses but still... He looks ill. But I'm not that independent person who just heal him without saying it, if he don't say it then.. be it.

We entered to a black whole in the sky and suddenly I saw the planet below us. Wow.. I didn't expect to just teleport us instantly to this planet I thought we travel for atleast a day before we arrive but I guess not. As expected of Virgo who specialise in mechanical magic.

While we are flying above to this tall building I notice some humans who walk like a crap

"Don't mind them, they are now turn into a zombie" he said while still not looking at me and focusing to drive

I guess so, I almost forgot that this world is actually a apocalypse world. It's not that It's bothered me but am I going to be eaten here? Driver said that they don't eat non human things. I'm a fish but lately I turn into a mermaid so I am consider as a non human right? But my half body is a human! I'm not a robot person who doesn't have a flesh like driver but still I have a blood!
Let's not think about it. It's not that I'm gonna let that thing to happen.


Driver land to a school building. Looking at it, it's really looks like I'm in my previous world but in a dark mode because of the blood stained everywhere.

I use illusion magic to transform my tail into a feet. Thanks to the massacre we have in that certain village I gain this privilege to have an illusion magic. This is my firstime transforming my tail into a feet its feels like I lost something and can't stand well but in a minute after walking I gain the right posture and able to walk like normal.
When I first try to go out I feel a bit uneasy. Like, there's a lot of zombie everywhere!

"Here, hold my hand" driver said without looking at me.

He's neck is surely red. C'mon say that your sick so that I can heal you already!

I hold his hand. It's not that it's necessary to hold his hand if things comes to worst I can just freeze them to death but let's just play along for now. Beside his hand is warm that feels me at ease.

I follow driver inside the school. Looking around I can't saw a single human. Zombies are just passing as. I guess I'm not a prey. Well.. isn't it a good thing?
We arrive to Dean office in this school.

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now