A New Journey Begins

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In the distance, the town is blazing brightly.
Two pairs of eyes gaze at the flames.
They belong to Noe and Vampy in his arms.
The baby watches the kingdom where she was born and raised burning to the ground.

After the fierce battle between Sweden and Tirulia Kingdom. Vampy decided to come with us.

|I want to come with you...Chowon|

Her words keep bugging me although I know that she came from Earth our original world but I didn't know she know me despite of my change in appearance.
Driver explain that I lost my memory and vampy starts looking at me in pity.

Uhm.. Driver? There seems to be a misunderstanding here? I mean, yes I acted like I lost my mind because I'm not the real silver that you are talking about! Like, I don't really know who really he is that you mistaken me as him but Ursula said just go with the flow. And I'm too lazy enough to explain it to Vampy so let's leave it as it is.

"Are you sure you want to join us? How about your brother?" Driver said.

For the past week Driver came to us I came to conclusion that he is kind of innocence and puppy type but deep inside he's a psycho who gathered a potential thing that he can use. Whenever his radar make a noise he then get ready his gold shovel to dig, at first I didn't mind but every metal/jewel that he gathered I find it to every creation he made. For example, that robot golem Estio wearing it looks like a normal metal but it turn out it's contain a dragon jewel that it's immune to all magic attacks. And the twins metallic hand robot at their back it contains a piece metal of Excalibur. Isn't it crazy?

Driver looks like he want Vampy to think it over but I can clearly see after him that he want vampy to be one of our forces. I mean, she has a potential and we can train him to get stronger she is more or less like Estio. Think about the cheat skill they possess they really is gifted.

Looking at Neo who is shock and ready to faint.
"Princess don't come with them, it's dangerous!"
Although he knows that vampy is not a normal person and a toddler who can use telepathy he shows that he's always loyal to his master.

|No Neo, I'm not the princess you are talking about. I'm already a grown up girl who died and reincarnated in this body|

"But I swear my loyalty to the king that whatever happens I will protect you"

|As you can see I'm not human, and I want to follow them to take revenge on what they did to our kingdom|

Vampy well know that her existence here will only make the kingdom suffer more. She grow bat wings and her eyes turn red. If rumour spread that the youngest princess in Tirulia kingdom is actually a monster the nearby kingdom might make an all out attack.

"I swear to your father that I will protect and follow you. What ever your decision is I will come and stay by your side. And I'm not a human now"

|I'm sorry..|

"It's okay.. you only did it because you want to survive right?"

The two decided to come with us with the goal to take revenge in Sweden Kingdom and to annihilate the beastmen tribe. Neo turned into a vampire he doesn't have a cheat skill to be immune in sunlight so I make a coat out of my mermaid thread skill.
Neo is carrying Vampy in his arms as they look to their kingdom set on fire
Neo swore his loyalty to the Vampy's parents.
I have no way of knowing what the two of them are thinking as they watch the town burn.
But I figure I’ll let them keep looking for as long as they need.
Driver and Estio is standing around nearby.
The King had already been killed by the time I came charging onto the scene. Leaving behind Prince Eric who is likely to become the next king.
Hindif Stronghold murdered him.
Noe probably suspected that.

Finally, Noe pulls his eyes away from the burning kingdom.
"You finished?"
There’s a tremble in his voice as he answers Driver.
But behind it, I think I sense a will that can’t be broken.
“Please accept my gratitude for your assistance, belated though it may be.”
Noe bows his head politely to Driver and me.
But when he looks up again, there’s a bit of suspicion in his eyes.
“I apologize for asking such a rude question after you’ve just saved our lives, but might I inquire as to who you are?”
Well, yeah.
We might’ve saved his life, but I’m still a half-human, half-fish mermaid.
“I am Driver one of the celestial Virgo. And this is the demon mermaid monster who destroy your shore just recently, Silver, in the flesh”
Wait what? Demon mermaid? Who said I'm a demon? Is this what Driver do everytime he's board? He keep looking in his phone watching people through his drone.

“The demon mermaid?!” Noe looks at me in surprise.
Uh, so you’re just gonna ignore the part about him being a Celestial?
"C'mon I'm a celestial here can you give me a small respect"
Driver said puffing his chest.
"Well anyway our job here is done. Since Trulia kingdom turn like this our next course is Heart Kingdom"

With that Driver declare our next course of action.

We still have more way to go. Finding clue where the another world gate is, I feel like this journey is not that too easy as it seems.


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