Turn back to the past (Side story 5)

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"Are you out of your mind William? It's too early to shout!"

Ack* what the-

I look at the person who slap me. And I saw a woman wearing an apron.

"Get up already and buy me eggs to Mr. Brown" she said while cleaning my bedsheet.

Am I dreaming now? What happened to the vampire girl? Are my companion still alive? What about the demon lord?

"What are you thinking? Why won't you get up? Did you fight with Cynth again?"

Cynth? Right! Cynth probably be still alive! I need to find him!

"Mom! I need to go and see the emperor!"

Wait? Mom? My mom died when the demon lord army invade our land.
What am I seeing?

"What? Emperor? Did you dream again being a hero or what? Anyway go to mr. Brown shop and buy some eggs"

I slowly look at my back to confirm if I'm seeing it right. But there's no doubt that she's my mother.

"Hey, are you okay William? Did your body hurt?" She then get a handkerchief and wipe my tears

Am I crying? My eyes looks wet. Am I still dreaming?

I pinch my cheeks to find out if I'm in a lucid dream or what but I feel pain when I pinch it

"Seriously what's happen to you? Wash your face here"

My mother then bring me a tab of water to wash my face.
After I wash I wipe my face with a towel that my mother prepare to me.

"Let's go down first your brother is waiting for you downstairs"

Brother? Yes, I have a brother but he too died in a demon stampede in our land. I don't know if this is reality or not but I hope I won't wake up with that dream again. I look at my hand but it seems that it shrunk. I turned into a child again! If this is really the reality it seems that I go back to the past or maybe that vampire girl and the demon lord who invade our land and massacre all of the humanities are all just a dream?
I don't know. But one thing is for sure I must treasure this opportunity that given to me.

"Mom how old I am right now?"

"You going to be 12 tomorrow did you forget?"

I'm going to turn 12 tomorrow? I'm 28 when I'm fighting with the vampire girl earlier. Considering that in 16 years all of that is going to happen. When the humanity is doomed. I must prevent it no matter what. But I don't know what to do.
I'm afraid to die again but I don't want my family to die either. That vampire girl is out of my range she's really strong that even a 5 of me can't beat her.
If possible I don't want to be a hero again.

"Brother! Tomorrow is your birthday, I'm excited to your awakening"

Right, when you turn 12 you can awake your occupation. Some of them turned a farmer, Smith, Priest and even a Hero. But I in the past got the hero title which is rare that it's only happen once in a hundred years.
So... My awakening will happen tomorrow. And this is the first step that my life turn upside down. If that dream of mine is really true or if I did turn back to the past.... I gonna turn out to be a hero.
If not, maybe it's just an illusion. But it's too real to be fake I can still feel the pain that the vampire girl magic pierce through me and I still remember every details that happened that time.

Being a hero is not a joke. You will be admitted to the Figliua Kingdom in a young age and you'll be train swordsmanship and holy magic to death. I in the past get trained by the best magician in the continent he's name is Rolf Stuffin. He's ruthless but he's also kind. During the demon army invasion we separate and protect our respective fields. I who's the hero, place in the frontier in the north and my master Rolf Stuffin place to the east where the land is divided by a large lake. Soldiers can't get pass to it but My master magic can launch it to the other side. We believe that the operation is a success but an unknown object suddenly fly to the east and a huge explosion can be hear. I don't know what is that but I hope that all of our allies there are alright besides master is with them, The strongest magician in the continent he is indestructible and cannot be defeated in that kind of ambush.
I still remember it back then when we defeated one of the demon lord's army general.


Suddenly a low voice echoed in my mind and a huge Ice explosion land to the demon lords army soldiers that are running away.

If possible, I don't want to become a hero. I want to avoid all of that thing. I want to leave peacefully.

<Occupation: Hero>

*Mur mur mur


"How can it be!"

My eyes turn darken when I see my occupation that appear in front of us now.
Today is my birthday, and the day that I will get my awakening but my status say's that I turn to ba a hero again!

My status shows to all of the people who's here right now inside of the church.

I look at my parents and saw them crying of joy even my brother is yelling of enjoyment.

NO! You got is all wrong! I don't want to be a hero!

My legs are trembling. I can't think straight. If that dream is really true then my parents will....!!

I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!


"Congrats brother! I always want to become a hero, I'm jealous of you!"


"Hey! Brother! Are you alright? You always wearing a blank face since yesterday."

"Don't bother your brother he's just shock from what happened yesterday. I bet he's in a joy inside."

"Oohh, brother! I will help you pack your things so that you can go to the palace early."


"Bring us lots of souvenirs when you visit us okay!"



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Meanwhile in alternative world - desame time and day

"Silver!!! We run out of diapers and baby wipes! Miya butt is full of crap!"

"Silver is not here!
Use Estio Compression bandage!"

"Hey! Dont just throw it! Wait? Why this have a blood?"

"Be patient with it. Just hold on Xia! Silver will come soon!"

"Just where the heck is he?"

"He's in my heart <3"

"F*ck off!"


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