Birthday celebration at the sea

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Why so noisy early in the morning? Can you please shut up? I need to rest a little bit.

"My lady! You need to wake up now"

Argh just shot up already!
"GA ga bwu bwu ja"
Shit this baby talk again. How many months should I grow to talk clearly? Isn't this a torture to a highschool we girl like me?


"Omy my lady. You poop again."

Not this shit again.

The maid loose my diaper and wipe my butt

It's so humiliating. How dare a nobody touch my butt!
Hey! Don't wipe it so harshly!
"Gu ba na ju!"

"My lady seems to be energetic today."
"She probably excited to her brother's birthday"

No! You made it all wrong! I didn't even know that I have a brother!

"How come my lady rarely cry?"

"Even if she's looks like a child. My lady really is matured."

Do you want to die maid? But thank you for the compliment. I'll give you a bonus when I grow up

She lift me up and the other maid are preparing for my dress.

Hey! Are you out of your mind maid? Do you think a toddler like me should wear a gown look like dress? C'mon open your head already! I can't even walk yet and you keep putting extravagant dress and accessories in my body. Am I a living doll to you?

"We should dress my lady faster before the crown prince came here"

Somewhat they look like excited. While they putting accessories in my body they keep gossiping about how the crown prince birthday party will end. As a marites in highschool I won't let this chance to pass by and listen to them. And guess what did I heard? They are crazy enough to handle his birthday party in the middle of the sea! They were gonna launch the biggest ship in the kingdom it can board at least 5k people.
Although they keep barging about this largest ship if we compare it to the modern world this ship look like a normal ship whose in a cruise. They say it's the biggest ship?
Dream on.


"My lady you seems excited today"


Excited your ass. Is this the face of a excited person? Should you need a glass ma'am?

Thinking about having a party in a ship isn't it dangerous? And they intend a beautiful, innocent, warm, maiden lady like me to attend and be on board with that ship?
It's not my problem if this party gone wrong okay! I mean, what if we accidentally met a typhoon? This world doesn't have a weather forecast after all. And In months that I stayed here in this world I discover that the magic user here is limited. They only have a magic tower with consist of 10-20 magician. If you thinking about a fantasy world isn't it supposed to be a world where magic is everywhere. And going in a adventure and form a party to finish quest in a guild.
Thinking about it makes me excited. I wonder if there's a guild here.
Anyway if this party turn out to be dangerous then we're doomed but it's not that I can die easily. I can use skill enough that I can survive my self.
The others you say? Lets them taste their own meal. Die if they die survive who survive. This is what you called survival to the fittest.

*Knock knock

"Is my lady ready?"

"Mr. Noe, please wait in a second"

The maid hurriedly put a flower hairpin in my hair she lift me and she open the door.

"My lady! You look beautiful today"

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