I save the male lead

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So, to sum it up. I waited here for 1 hour but unexpectedly I found my co Reincarnation who is a vampy and might related to the male lead of this fantasy Disney movie because they are in the same boat. The female lead should help the male lead to survive but in turn of events she's nowhere to be seen only to find out that she's doing live in Facebook!

Curse you Ariel!

You know what? I don't care about the plot anymore. The story is ruin and I don't know what to do with this. If this continue my first ship won't sail.


What's that?

Suddenly a loud noise came from my back. I look back and what I saw is a giant SCREW DRIVER!? and there's even electric shock in it.

It's not time thinking about that. The problem is.. a tsunami wave is approaching at us! I can just teleport to our base which is deep down at the sea.. but we have a vampy here! Who's a Reincarnation like me! Ofcourse if you saw someone who's in the same situation like you, you should help them no matter what it is. We're a colleague after all and my humanity instinct is still there.

It's not that I'm a demon or anything who kill every crap out of them or leave them be in their dire situation....

Yeah.. it's not me.... Not me at all..

The humans who's still at their boat keep shouting like crazy. Saying they're gonna be drawn to death.
But I'm here, who's my heart is full of benelovent and a hero in another world but got separated in my way.

I cast blue magic circle who's its size is akin to their ship. Ofcourse it's gonna be big, were talking about tsunami here. I use water magic to slow down the wave.

And use my another hand to move their boat to the near land but I don't have that much force to move their ship. I mean, Yes I can, but I'm using too many magic circles at once it's too much for me besides my mana is rapidly decreasing!
I bet all of them are in their emergency boat. If there's someone in that ship then she/he are doomed. The ship is on fire. Although the rain stop after that loud sound it only made the fire spread fast.
I don't know if the human notice me. I bet they not. I'm too far to begin with but maybe if they use binoculars maybe they can.

I can't hold it anymore! They already leave right? If not, then that your problem.


I dispell my magic circle and let this wave hit somewhere it can be hit. Luckily with the magic circle that I use earlier the water calm down and only some big waves are left. Since vampy and the group already leave I search around in the ship. It's already sinking. I dive to look closely to it. It seems that it's just a normal ship I thought it has something like a fantasy features but I guess not. As I search around I saw a familiar figure.

I summon my item box and search for my binoculars. But what I see is a man and it seems that he's already in his limit! Like, he's swimming like a frog, holding his neck and his face turn pale. Wait, isn't this prince Eric? The male lead in this story? Although it's quite funny how he act out of breath in front of me. He's face looks funny. Is this really the male lead? But even his face is looks like this you can clearly see how handsome he is. I hope when I drown I look handsome as he is.

Well... What should I do with this? As I thinking like this the time is running and he might be dead if I'm not act fast. But what am I suppose to do? I'm just a faithful fan in this movie and I don't want to ruin it. Ariel suppose to save him but she's absent for some reason.

Should I leave him be acting like I didn't saw anything?


Like I said I'm a benelovent person who about to save this planet. And as a faithful fan might as well save the main characters for the story development.

I teleport to his location and put bubbles in his head and clear the water inside it. When I arrive it seems that he already pass out. I swim above and carry him in my back. How come this man too heavy?

I swim to find a shore. I follow the track where those boat left and in just a moment I found the shore that they land. I swim opposite to their location to avoid being the center of attraction. Who knows if they saw me being a mermaid they might catch me and sell me to the higher nobles or maybe they gonna be peeled my mermaid tail and display it to their mansion.
Ofcourse this thing will never gonna be happen. I will cut their heads of if they do something funny to me. I'm a kind of a person who attack those who attack me first.

Like I said I'm a benelovent after all.

When we talk about beastmen, ofcourse they're gonna be excepted. If I found one then your deadbeat. Planting wierd stone who suck life forms in this planet is absurd. If your planet is dying then don't interfere us. We live happily and peacefully here! It's not our fault why your planet turn out to be a trash. If you invade us then we should pay you a visit too. If that time comes be prepared because we might not be planting wierd stone we might conquer and redeem it. And to think that Ursula are fighting them for ages now shouldn't we pay them ten times as they did?

I place prince Eric in the land were there's no peoples around. I don't know if he's still alive or not as long as I place him there is enough right?
If you want to survive then survive your self don't bother other people.

Come to think of it, isn't our operation failed? I didn't get Ariel voice though. Ursula might drill me for sure this time. I even make her act as a baby. Ursula didn't call me, I said to call me if something came up.

I look at my cellphone and click Ariel live earlier. How lively she is. Have a courage doing live while her future husband is here lying like a dead.


She sing. So this is her voice. As expected of the female lead. What she sing is in titled "part of your world".
You ask why I know this? If you don't know this then you should re watch the movie itself. This is the famous song that Ariel sing in her 16th birthday and before she meet her prince charming.

I summon my Item box and get the jar that suppose to be the jar of Ariel voice. This is a round shape transparent jar that made by Ursula.
It seems that we really failed. But as the video of Ariel sing continue, the jar suddenly glow out of a sudden!

What is this?
As I am still shock and holding the glowing jar in my hand my phone suddenly glow and it's glow transfer to the jar. Ariel still continue to sing in my phone and as well as the light that transfering in my jar. When the song finish the light also stop and it stock in the jar. Before it go out I close the jar and put Ice on it to cover it fully without letting the voice go. It seems that the opartion is a success after all.
Is this the power of luck? As expected in the Disney movie.

I about to go and spread the news to the gang when I decided to take a look to the dying prince. But when I look back I saw him sitting and LOOKING AT ME!!

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