To the planet X

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It's already been a week since I get Ariel voice but what annoys me the most is..

"Hey silver! Wanna come with me to the planet X?"

"Crap out of it! Don't invite silver!"

"Why not? It's just a day I'll bring him here afterwards"

"Silver! Are you really gonna come with him?" The twin ask with a puppy eye.

C'mon gimme a break already! How come I can only hear this words repeatedly? It's already been a week but they still arguing about it.

If you ask me if I want to go or not my answer is... I don't know.. let's get be honest here! Thinking about the other planet or so called in another might get excited right? Traveling in another country is thrilling enough what's more in another world?
But the problem is.. I'm too lazy enough to travel! After that huge unexpected event in the past week my brain got drained thinking how stupid the main character is.
In this past week all I did is enjoying my free time scrolling in Facebook. My account is private so I don't have that much friends but lately I joined RPW a Role Player World in Facebook.
This is just a beautified name of poser LOL. Yes, right now I joined in a poser world! But don't get us wrong! This is not your typical poser account, we didn't steal someone identity or we profile a local people. What we profile is a celebrity or an Idol in Korea. So, you can think of it as idolising our idol.

Enough with that.
Since I join to them now I also applied to a Fam GC and guess what? I got accepted and my role is a grandpa! Like, I don't know how I turned out to be a grandpa I apply for a little brother or a newborn baby but in turn of events they gone and already been given to another applicant so I don't have a choice to pick a freebie and that's how I became a grandpa. Well, it's not that I don't want to become a grandpa might as well try something new.

"Neh Silver! Wanna come with me?"

"Hey! I said don't Invite silver blind man!"

"What? I'm not blind!"

"Oh really? Then show your face!"

"I have enough with this! Shut up you two" I said angrily to them

"C'mon listen to me silver, I have this child I found here who's in a death bed."

"What! So, you are this kind of person after all. You look young but you already have a child?"

"I don't have a child!" He shoutedly said

Ursula look at him and making a smirk

What does that kid to do with me? Am I responsible that he's going to be dead? Not right? Why bother me? If he's going to be dead then be it. That might be his faith so don't bring that topic to me cuz it's kind of depressing. I feel guilty everytime I ignore someone going to be dead even though I can do something but I'm too lazy to do so. But I feel guilty! That's why it's kind of depressing! I don't know what is what anymore!

"I don't know why but when I appraise that kid a Reincarnation title pop up"


A Reincarnation? Besides me and Vampy?! If I and that vampy can get reincarnated then why not someone else too! If that's the case then
*I look at him calmly

"You are not kidding right?" I said suspiciously

"Why would I be joking" he said

Right. There's no way he knows that I'm a Reincarnation he only knows that I'm silver his long lost friend even thought I don't know what the crap he's talking about but Ursula said that I can use him so I play along.
Basically he doesn't know about the Reincarnation thing that happening here.
Might as well take a visit and take a look.
If he said this earlier then I can turn into an energetic being instead of being a lazy. I can easily be turn on especially when the event is eye-catching but if it's not then forget it.

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