First mission gone wrong!?

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So here we are today reporting for duty. I am your host ~Horn fish~ together with my two assistant Flotsam and Jetsam. Reporting to you live that we are being chased by a mama and papa shark

AAAHHHHHH!!!! How the hell it turn out like this!?


"Since you become one of my students can you gather a sea herb grass in near the shipwreck. Flotsam and Jetsam will accompany you. You see, they are both a normal fish so when I ask them to gather herb for me it's always ruined and I ended up picking a herb for myself. And since I have you why not train for it?"

That's what she said. I owe her after all so I salute to her and say "Affirmative" in my mind. Am I a soldier now? BWAHAHA well for starters Flotsam and Jetsam seems to be energetic today. What's gotten to this two?

Its already been a month since I join to the gang there's nothing interesting happening for me as for now I only eat fish and plankton that Ursula gave me, at first I was kinda surprised Ursula eat a squid. Isn't it kinda a family tree of Octopus? What's gotten to her? And so I realized that I was actually eating my co. fish the twin also eating their own kin. The gang went silent. No one ever dares to speak. We're all part of a cannibalism here!
If you're hungry then eat as you like. Don't ever mention about cannibalism or you'll find yourself dead! It's a law that we recently agreed it's not that I mind eating my own kin. Fish is a fish nothing else and I'm a fish with a human brain so I don't consider it as a cannibalism okay?
Okay? Okay? Okay.

Joke aside since we depart from that maze like labyrinth I recently know that, that cave is named "The Underworld Labyrinth" its name is kinda dangerous and it gives me odd vibes. Ursula said that lot of monsters and strong sea creatures resides there and she is actually surprised to find me sleeping comfortably inside that labyrinth. I also recently know that my birthplace is connected to the other world where my classmates isekai to. It's not that I care but some of the monsters from that world is escaping and now emerging in this world. So I thought that the summoner fish is making a sense now. Since I ate my kin many times now I learned a brand new skill and it's called TABOO and guess what it rose to level 3 all of a sudden. Is killing my own kin and eating them is a taboo in this world? It's not that I have anything to eat here. What would you expect? Eating only seaweed everyday? No. I'm not your typical vegetarian.

I watch my status while swimming to the location to know if I have a useful skill here that I can use

[ Name: None
Race: Horn fish (lvl 5/10)
Rarity: A
HP: 20/20
MP: 90/90
Average offence ability: 45
Average magical ability: 120
Average speed ability:60
Average defence ability:20
Average resistance ability:30
Poison fang(lvl 3), Intermediate Heal (lvl 2), Iron tail (lvl4), water (lvl2), Acid (lvl 2), Appraisal (lvl1), Ice (lvl1), Taboo (lvl 3), Space magic (lvl3) ]

I didn't notice it but I level up quickly. It must be the effect of killing and hunting my prey to full fill my stomach and also my hard tail evolve into Iron tail.

Congratulations to me!
*Clap clap clap*
thank you very much.

And also Taboo acquired by violating the laws of this world. I doubt Ursula and the twin already max it out. She said that If I max out my taboo I will now understand how this world works but also comes to a price. Ursula didn't say anything but I doubt it kind'a dangerous so let's not level up it anymore.
Space magic that I acquired by only leveling up. At first it's useless but I keep using it until it reach level 3 and now it has Item box. This is also the one that we use to store our meat and some ingredients that she used that needed to be cooled down. Inside the item box is a timeless. You can put anything and it won't rot. If you put it hot then it still hot when you pull it out something like that so let's don't meddle with it anymore.

We are now in front of a shipwreck and the herb that mentioned early is scattered around here. I look at Flotsam and Jetsam giving them orders to help me pick them. They nod and now they starting to pluck one on one. I keep it open my item box so that they can store it however they like but it seems to be foggy here. I enter inside the shipwreck and wonder a little bit there's no something interesting here all you can see is human skull and a broken cabinet I look around and I see a fork. This location is kind'a familiar.. wait, isn't this the part when Ariel found a fork and add it to her collection?
It's already been a month But I can't get a grasp out of it. I turn out reincarnated in a Disney movey The little mermaid. At first I doubt it because the Ursula that I saw is not fat at all  she's a type of a highschool gangster that always skip classes everytime. Step that aside let's not touch something here so that the plot will continue to what actually it was.
Ofcourse I'm not planning to not interfere about the lovey dovey of the male lead and the female lead but when the time Ursula involved then I won't shut up anymore. She owe me one after all.
So I came back to where Flotsam and Jetsam to continue our gathering but in a minute later I kind'a feel a chill around my body. Did I perhaps forgot something in the plot?
Oh I remember! This is also the part when Ariel and her pet Flounder chase by a shark like crazy. LOL But she's the female lead after all you can always expect that all of the people and fish around her is a cannon fodder to make the plot look good and enhance the FL character. I glance at the twin but I noticed that they stop plucking herbs and keep looking straight in my right side while trembling. Hey! What's gotten into you? And why do I feel like someone is looking at me. And when I take a look I almost faint!
A huge shark clenching it's teeth! What's the hell is going on here!
It's a shark bitch! A shark! Not one but two!! What's happened to my luck!

They open their mouth it's as if ready to devour us but don't pick a fight with me! I froze their mouth and throw a sand in their eyes I grab the twin and let's gotta out of here!

but not too long before they set free. How is that!? Is your teeth that's strong? Gimme a break already!


They catching at us! The twins is falling behind! I might find myself drilled by Ursula if she finds out that her pets are dead.

I use ice magic to form it as a spear. I know I don't have hands and I can't use a gigantic spear with my fragile body so I use water magic to act as a telekinesis. I throw the spear to the one that catching at us at incredibly speed! Is that even a normal Shark? Like hell there's normal in this world!
The shark stab with my spear and now sinking at the bottom. I didn't know that I'm actually this strong. All my life I only hunt weak and small fish I'm afraid I might encounter a boss fight again
Level up ⬆️

As the system show up a lot of shark with different species surround at us.

Did we perhaps find ourselves in a shark dwell!?

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now