Let's Unite

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*Bzzt bzzt

SFX: metal sound

*Clang Clang

*Bzzt bzzt

These are all the sound that you can hear inside this room.
I look at driver sitting and hammering the metal that is place on the ground and do welding.

*Clang Clang

I push my baby stroller and walk towards him to take a look

"Don't come near at me Estio, you might get hurt" he said while still hammering

But even so, I'm already 17 years old inside of this body I'm not that stupid to get hurt by that. I move my stroller to the corner at the place where I can see what's his doing and sit there.

What is that? "Abuabu"
I can't really get used about this baby talk. I hope I'll grow up fast

"Eh? Are you bored Estio? Here I'll give you this"
He then give me a toy blue slime.

This man! He always treat me like a kid!

"You don't like it? Do you want to play peekaboo?" He cover his face and say "Peekaboo!!"

I only look at him seriously and witnessing how fool he is

"C'mon I'm just kidding. Did you master what Silver thought you?"

Right. Back then when we are still in his spaceship Silver already thought me how to use magic. Although I'm quite familiar with the RPG game I'm still having a hard time using magic

*Spark spark

I'm trying to use my dark magic skill but it only sparks for a seconds

"Here, feel my mana" he walk towards me and hand over his hand and a blue light form in both of our hand.
It feels warm that it keeps flowing through my body.

"Did you feel it?"

Yes "Abu"

"Don't forget what it feels and try to summon your magic" he said while doing a thumbs up

Is he cheering me? How rare of you

I close my eyes and try to use dark magic again, this time I try to use that warm feeling earlier.
I can feel that my hand is emitting dark smoke and it feels warm

"Yes that's it and try to release it!"

Argh now I don't know how to release it. Should I think stop?
Stop! Stop!



I open my eyes and see what's happened but I see Driver face covered in a black mud.

Ey I'm sorry

Driver get a towel in his item box and wipe his face
"Anyway it doesn't hurt, good job Estio" he said and rub my hair.

He go to his work and collect all the metal he's welding earlier. I observe him as he grab them and place it to the center.

What is he trying to do?
It seems that he's making something but I don't know what it is.

As I keep observing him my thought wondered anywhere. Like, this world are not the future earth at all. Silver and Driver already explain to me everything. Driver found me laying in the death sea having a lifeless body so he find Silver to treat me. It seems that the village where I born is true either. As I think of it my blood boil thinking about that beastmen framing our family and that ugly old man believe them easily. I want to kill them badly and make a revenge like my nanny said.

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now