I'm confuse

488 34 11

Sfx: step step step






"Silver! Is that really you?"

What the-? I got suprised by the sudden entrance of this hooligan looking boy. What the hell with that sharp stupid mask?
I almost drop this kid holding him after I heal him luckily I got my posture back.

He grab me in both of my shoulders

"It's really you! I'm glad!" He said while hugging me

Umm.. excuse me! The child is in my hand! Don't squeeze too much!

"That's enough" driver said and drove him away.

The guy who's hugging me earlier pause and stare at me from top to bottom in a shock state.
What's gotten to him? I know that he might be acquaintance with silver that they know and which is I accidentally portray and act as him but... C'mon don't look at me suspiciously! Am I already expose? Am I doomed now?
Sayonara Ursula It's seems that this is my end now.


"Silver! What's the hell happened to you? Where's your muscles?"


Did they still doesn't recognize that I'm not Silver at all?

And why do I feel like this silver is a hooligan like them? And it seems that I'm not really look like him at all. Why still sticking with me? Is my acting skill that super B?

How should I reply with this! I know I'm a shy person and on top of that my communication is too low!

What? You say I'm speaking well with the others? It's true but, That's because it's them! I can think of them as a family! Isn't it too abnormal if your communication is too low that you can't even speak to your parents? Well... I'm not that abnormal!
I know I can also speak with driver but it's just formalities and answering question in an instant without prolonging our conversation or anything basically we didn't speak too well.

Okay. Let's say that I lost my memories. This is the only thing that I can think of and besides Driver believe in it so let's hope that he's a dumb too.

Okay Exhale.... Inhale....
I'm ready let's say this!




"He lost his memory so don't bother him" driver said and cover me in his back.

Phew~ yes that's what I suppose bro say! Good job driver I give you 10 points for my affinity


The guy didn't say anything. Instead he look at me in a pitful way.

"Oh I didn't know, you perhaps suffer a lot" he said and he step forward ignoring Driver

"Hey!" Driver said

He grab my hand instantly and carelessly hold my neck and kiss my forehead
"I'm really sorry, I can't protect you back then"

*Driver:  (ง'̀-'́)ง          (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Now.. what the hell are you doing? I want to push him but I can't he's too tall and strong. How come my height is still in his shoulder? And what's with that BL floweriest
Plot event?
I know I'm a gay and a BL fan but I don't want to be the protagonist of that story.

Driver pull my arms and cover me with his left arm
"I said stop it"
He said in a terrifying voice.

The guy only look at him and making a smirk face

Now.. he's angry for real! Like what the hell is happening here? If you fight then fight far away I don't want to be entangled with this! I mean, this is not my fault okay! I didn't say anything and I didn't provoke them either! If you think about it I'm just a passenger who got caught in a dog fight.
And in top of that this child name Estio is still in my hand. C'mon gimme a break already we still have a problem here.

Looking back to this child after healing him. He now have a skin but not your typically fully covered skin, there's still have a few hole that can't be covered with his skin. I use fully heal but can't still cover that crap out of it. I look at his status but it's says that he is now in a max HP and in a Healthy state. He even now breathing normal. So what's the problem with his skin?

"Ah that's because he's not human but a Ghoul" the guy said.

Oh, it's looks like they finished arguing

Driver sit across mine looking displeased

"Give me the baby I'll cure his skin" he said then grab the baby in me

It's makes me hesitate

"Don't worry he's a ghoul too. He knows what to do" Driver said.

I didn't know that the guy beside me is actually know how to heal. He looks like a killer more than a healer though. This might be what they called don't judge the book by it's cover.

He then grab a needle and a thick thread in his pocket

Oh, it's looks like he's going to sew each hole in his body. But why do I feel like there's something missing?



Oh right! The anesthesia! Where's the anesthesia?
There are none!! And oh! Looking at it again isn't that thread too thick to that small body of him? Is he perhaps going to torture this child to death?
I look at driver but he only thumbs up at me.


Seriously? If this child gonna die from pain then my time in coming here is such a huge waste!

I grab the child again.

The two look at me in a shock.

"Let me do it"


Looking at Scorpio makes me displeased. How dare he grab my silver without his consent!
Wait! My silver? What am I talking about? And why am I getting mad about it?
I don't know. Everytime I look at him makes my heart flutter for some reason. We are best friends and usually bath together naked in celestial realm. We even train together to achieve my hulk body but why am I feeling this to him now?
Somehow he reminds me of my desk mate Chowon. They kind of look desame. From the way he walk, from his posture and even his body shape they are really much the same. They also both doesn't like to talk much. Perhaps I only feel this way because it's reminds me my one sided love of Chowon?
After he died from the bus accident I really want to retrieve his soul and reincarnate him in my planet but no matter how I look at it I can't find his soul. Perhaps I'm too late and the god in that world already got his soul.
But no matter how you look at it.. this is not supposed to be the reason why I feel uneasy when I'm near Silver.
What the hell is this?

I observe silver while he stitching Estio wound but I can't focus in his hand that doing the work my eyes can't loose off in Silver's face! He looks beautiful too when he's focusing. Luckily I'm wearing a glasses.


What the hell am I thinking! Stop the crap out of it! He's my best friend and I'm not suppose to fall for him!

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