I hate Beastmen

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What the hell are we witnessing now?

"Abubu" Estio said while pointing the two mage throwing a huge fire in the other party.

There's a mage? This is my firstime seeing one.

Wait, isn't this battle too unfair? I think the other party don't have a mage. But at least they have a wivern that keep the battle balance somehow but the wivern is in a critical stage now! And what's more? Isn't the lose side is the Trulia Kingdom? How come there's suddenly a war?
And where's vampy? This is supposed to be her hometown!


"Should we help?" Driver said while looking at me worrying

I guess my face can't hide my expression even Estio looking at me in a confuse mode. I mean, c'mon you should at least take some of my burden, one of your comrade is here Estio! Vampy is here! As a modern civil person I can't just take a blind eye if one of my people is in a danger state. Not my real people but I guess more or less desame in a dire situation?

I, Estio, and Vampy reincarnated in this unknown world. This reason should be enough to help each other right? Even thought I have a grudge against Vampy how she leave in a privilege with big shot boss daddy...
but let's forget about that.

"Let's help" I said in a confirmation

"That what we are waiting for" Driver said while Estio puffing his chest.

Uhhmm what? Estio? Want to join?


Suddenly a huge robot appear before us.

Driver grab Estio in my arms and place him in the small chair on top of the robot that enough to fit Estio alone.

<Are you suprise Silver? I can now fight and raise my level easily!>

Omygosh I think I'm gonna faint just looking at this.

And what's more?


"Let's go" Driver said while readying his mechanic gun.

I guess.... I should get use to it..  (• ▽ •;)


1 Hour ago

"WAAAAHHHH Brother don't leave us!!"


"Shut up you two!" *Snif snif  "Silver, Becareful"  Ursula said while wiping her tears with a white handkerchief


"You said yesterday that you will support Silver in his journey and look what you are doing now"


"You can always call me through video call so don't feel bad" I said while tapping their heads

"O.. okay. But promise us to bring the beastmen king head"

Hmm.. what? Who teach you that?
I look at Ursula but she instantly avoid my eyes.

Whatever. They already experience how to kill and they have random guns in their body maybe this is the time to let them awaken and be one of the forces soon.

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