The truth behind my Reincarnation is...

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What gotten to this two brat swimming left and right around me. Are they asking for a beating? I'm not look like it but I defeated a boss like fish earlier. Wait, did I pass out? For real? Why? Well I don't know all I did is press the ok button for evolution and *tada!* I'm here now in front of this 2 snoty brat and suspicious being in front of me. What the crap is happening here!

"You pass out in an open area didn't you know how dangerous it is?"

I look at the suspicious blueish woman with 8 tentacles. Is this even possible? I know that I'm in a RPG world but I didn't expect to find something like this.

"You thinking something funny are you?"

No I'm not I swear

"I know that you can't speak"

Yes, ofcourse I can't speak and even if I can I have a communication disorder that even my classmates can't last 10 seconds with me.

"And I know that you are a human in your past life"

Suddenly a chill came through my body. Did she know? But how?

"I know you're wondering" *she get a potion and put a drop to her cauldron* "watch this"

And suddenly I watch the me in the past riding in a bus and also the wierd voice that came out of nowhere at that time. The dream that I recently dream. Is she behind of showing that dream to me?

"Basically a shitty goddes force all of you to be reborn in a different world to act as a hero and defeat the demon lord"

Wait, what? So am I a hero now? But who is the hell fighting a demon lord with this kind of body? A small fragile fish?. Well it's a no for me.

"But you fell and can't meet the standards to be reborn in that world, basically you reborn as a different species and born in a different world. Not the world with your classmates but a new world that fit your standards. You are a failure because you fell in a cliff instead of joining in an explosion."

For real? So to summary my classmates died and reincarnated in another world but in a different world where I got reincarnated. Isn't it kind'a a cliché story? But it turn out that only me can see the window status. I keep showing and off my status but it seems they can't see it. Even the octopus like person keep bragging and didn't mention the window status in front of me.
It makes sense if that's the case. Think about riding in a fieldtrip and got your riding ticket but end up leaving behind instead. I got window status that it's probably only exist in that world. So I'm a cheat here in this world? A living bug if I say so myself. It's not actually an RPG world but it turns out my own RPG.

"You're wondering why I know all about this stuff? They didn't call me a sea witch for nothing you know."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you good. So why am I a fish? If I get reincarnated why would it be a fish? Is it because I fell in a water? Is that it? What's the connection about diving in water and suddenly become a fish? They might have a reason right? I once read isekai novel and since I read it I can't stop thinking about being a OP MC for an instant and defeating lots of monster. But as you can see I'm not that hooked in isekai genre because lots of MC is only think about their own harem. Like WTF traveling in a different world only to have fun with women? It's a no, no, no for me. And there's this character he's op but he keep protecting a fragile girl in his party although she's a bigweight and can do nothing at all. If I were the MC I will leave that crap behind. The readers already know back then that the MC form a party with her because of her breast like, LOL. Men is always men. We can't do about it. And I'm not that gentleman to form a party with a girl but the truth is she only form a party with you only to be her bodyguard? Might as well avoid bitches like that.

But the girl with an unknown species in front of me is different. She discharge a powerful aura that if you look at her you will know that she is not your ordinary girl. If I describe her perfectly a demon lord perhaps? Am I gone too far? But it's the truth.

"I know almost everything about you" *she leans closer to me* "And I like your personality, a villain if I say so myself. I help you not because of I care about you. But my help is not for free. If I didn't help you back there you were already dead. They were atleast 10 summoner fish surrounding you after all."

*I leans back*

It's true that she help me. But what can I do to help her? Scrubbing her back and cleaning her tentacles? If that's all what she wants then let give it a go. I'm not that shameless for showing attitude in front of my benefactor. It's basically paying my debt and might as well learn how to make potion right? So it's a win-win for the both of us.

"My name is Ursula, and my goal is to get Ariel's voice the youngest princess in Atlantica kingdom. And I want you to help me. And I won't accept any rejection"

It's not that I can reject you anyway I can't speak even if I want to reject you I can't say a damn thing.
Hmmm.. well.. that's all what you want? You only want me as one of your servant? Well okay.  What your name again? Ursula? And your target is... Ariel?




Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now