Massacre at Tirulia Shore

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what the hell...

What the hell did I do to make this snotty brat cry like this?

"It seems that this child is attach to both of you" Scorpio said while holding the baby.

"What should we do?" I said.

It's not that we can bring a child to the center of a battlefield. I'm afraid he can't last long if he tagging along with us.
Right now we're planning to go back to Atlantica kingdom because our business here are done. And besides Ursula text me that the beastmen are planning something funny again so we need to go there fast.


"Hey Estio, you know that we're not your parents right" Driver said with a calming voice


"Ack don't punch me"

"If you are looking for father, that guy that you are punching are more closely related to you"

"Driver is right, we both undead we can eat a lot of dead meat here-- ack hey thats hurt"


Uhmmm... What should I do with this? I'm in a hurry. Should we let this kid come with us? But he's still a toddler and I don't want a bigweight in our group. But considering his status he might gonna be a big shot soon. And he's also immortal so what's the big fuss? We might end up finding the gate to another world a year or maybe a hundred years so we can train him in that time and if he gets stronger then our forces will rise up. A group of immortal dominating the other world looks terrifying enough and on top of that we have the god Virgo who's expert in engineering and in modern technologies.


"Ey don't cry, here I'll give you one of my favourite military tank"


"Hey! Don't summon that massive thing in my basement!"


"Okay, it's settled"


Suddenly Estio and the others look at me in a suprise face.


"What it is that it settled?" Scorpio said

"I'll let that kid to join with us"





Look at this kid. He's smiling like a creep and poking my breast.
I don't have milk in my breast okay? So don't poke it.

Earlier when they debating if we let this kid join us or not when I said that we can bring him suddenly Driver turn 180° and support my statement

"No! Estio is my kin so don't bring him along!" He then grab Estio in Driver's arm


"Why is this kid wailing again?" ( ・ั﹏・ั)

"Because he didn't like you, see? He stop crying when I hold him"


"What?" ( ≧Д≦)

And with that.. the problem is solved. Scorpio give up and he let Estio join us.

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