Krystal Yun side story

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My name is Krystal Yun and I have a crush since middle school I first saw him in journalism club back then I didn't think of him as a romantic interest at all but when I see him taking off his glass in infirmary room I got hooked and can't think straight. Is this perhaps love at first sight?

Since then I start following him and even join the same club as he is and when we graduated I still follow him in our senior high. There's a rumors that he's gay but rumors still rumors there's no solid proof that he's into a guy. I followed him 24/7 and there's no contact wether it is a male or female.


How lonely he is. So then I muster my courage and talk to him

"Hi! I'm your classmates did you know me?"

Hmmm.. that's all? That's it?


He's my ideal type. A cold blooded tyrant <3

(he's not a tyrant at all)

After that I take a picture of him and hung it to my room. There's no space in my room all of the spaces is full of his face especially the time when he took off his glasses. My love for him turn into craziness. I don't know what to do anymore.

When our teacher announced that we're gonna split into two groups in a bus and unluckily I went to a separate bus with him I feel like my life is empty and colourless. I keep gazing to the bus Infront of us and I saw his shadow from the backdoor. I knew it god still loves me. Thank you very much.

His shadow still so damn hot. Back then I encourage myself, after this trip I will confess.. but all of my fantasy only met it's end when a wierd voice echo in our head.

"What's going on!?"
"What is this!?"

It's not only the floor but the entire bus is heating up! What kind of phenomenon is this? I still didn't confess my love to him. Gotta out of here! This is the sign of explosion you bitch!

"Get away!" I push one of my female classmates and open the door.
Damn it's hot. I use my skirt as a holder and as if it is not enough I use my another hand to open it. It's hot! Hot! But endure. This is only a hindrance for my love for him. I will conquer it.

I jump when I open the door and back then I can't remember anything.
Only to find myself in a fancy room and lots of maids attending to me. What the hell is going on here? I raised my hand but it turn out it's too small. There's no doubt that this is a baby hand! I move my hand and the hand move to where I want to move it. This baby hand is my hand!!?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?

Since then it's already 5 months since I reincarnated into this world I learned that I turned into a first princess in this kingdom and my brother Prince Eric is the crown prince. Ofcourse Its a shock for me but I can't do anything about it, but I have a secret I open my window status and see if I grown a little bit

[ Name: Miya De Hauer
Race: Vampire
HP: 20/20
MP: 30/30
Average offence ability: 25
Average magical ability: 30
Average speed ability:20
Average defence ability:15
Average resistance ability:10
Blood magic (lvl 1), chain (lvl 1), Undying body ,  sun resistance (max), Appraisal (lvl2) ]

At first I was surprised that I'm not actually a human it turn out I'm actually a vampire and to the point that I have Undying body skill I use appraisal to know what it is but It only say that it's one of those isekai benefits that I heard of. It's says I won't die in a one shot kill. For example if a strong wizard suddenly cast a huge fireball spell and throw it to me I take the damage but my HP won't drop to 0 instead it will leave 1 percent bar. But this skill only works in a single day and recharge it at the next day. Isn't that amazing?


"Are you doing well young miss"

This is my butler his name is Noe and I don't know what he's always talking about. He keep bragging about a wierd fish that he encounter 5 years ago. Like hell I'm interested in that! give the crap out of it already.

"Today I have a story prepared to you young miss"

Well it's not that I'm interested and I'm a toddler I can't sit and stand up that well and ofcourse I can't speak well either.

"Remember your brother Prince Eric? He's kind'a busy now because a rumoured sea witch attack the port"

Hmm well that's why he can't even visit me..

"And this time she's not alone it seems that someone saw her with an unknown creature. They said it's a demon mermaid because it has a horn. You can't believe it right? There's no way there's a mermaid with horn."

This is my first time hearing this. So mermaids do really exist? And with a horn? What's that? A unicorn?
I saw mermaids in internet and stuff but I never saw one with horn.

"They said, that demon mermaid froze one of the biggest ship in our kingdom alone and destroy it in pieces. At first I didn't believe it but when I see the entire ship scattered and full of ice. I somehow believe it."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know anymore life is not interesting at all. All I want is to see him.

"There's a rumour that the witch of the sea and her companion will wreak havoc in the near future. We don't know how evil brain works. Really. That's why your brother doing everything to prevent it."

After a few hours of talking he finally leave, leaving behind a luxurious toys. What the hell am I supposed to do with that. I can't wait to grow up.

Meanwhile in alternative world..

"Welcome our beloved heroes, You are the one chosen by the goddess. I beg you please save our world"

The princess bow 90° and beg for our support I look around and all of my classmates is here.
"Class president what should we gonna do?" I whispered to him
"I accept your offer"
Suddenly our class president say those words. Oh crap I totally forgot our class president is a huge Otaku fan!!

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