I (accidentally) killed a supporting character!

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Why is this place so familiar?
And looking at her at the back. Red hair with green tail. Where did I see her? Perhaps this isn't our first time meeting? If so, she's defenceless because she know me?
But I don't know her.

As we swim to our destination I saw a familiar figure. I use my binocular that I buy recently in my shop skill and take a peek who's that looking at us but unexpectedly I saw Flotsam and Jetsam wearing their humanoid form.
They smile at me and makes a thumbs up sign in their hands.

Come to think of it Flotsam and Jetsam only have one task and that is to follow Ariel and report her daily moves. So why are they here?

They wave at me and now they leaving.

If the twins here then it means Ariel is nearby.

"We're here!"
She slide the stone that acts as a door and grab my hand so that we can enter together.

Yeah, there's no doubt. This place.. it's Ariel secret basement!!
The girl in front of me.. red hair with green tail and a face that looks like a doll.. it's ARIEL!!

Did I unexpectedly enter to our targets den? Should I just kidnap her right here right now?

"What's that in your hand? Is that a human things too!?"
She looks at me with full of excitement

Oh my gosh!! This beauty!! It's so blinding!
No wonder her beauty is extraordinary. As expected of the female lead. No one can defeat the buff of a main character!.

I nod* "this is what you called binocular"
Forget about being shy! Think about your lifelong idol that you meet at the fan meeting event and start talking to you! Isn't it heaven?

"Woahh" She look it with a star on her eyes

"And this is sunglasses, and this one is a smartphone"

With my enthusiasm I didn't know that I use space magic to reveal all my collection from the shop.

"Your collection looks amazing!!"

Right   ( ´◡‿ゝ◡')    you should be! This is my reward for killing wild beast at the underworld labyrinth.

"But what is this?" Pointing the smartphone in my hand

"Oh this? You have a good eye"

With that I tell her about the tutorial on how to use a smartphone and to be suprise she catch up that easily. As expected of the female lead

"What's your name in Facebook I'll add you"

"It's silver"

"Accept me okay?"


With this I have now 5 friends in Facebook. Ursula, the twin, Ariel and the anonymous spammer that always spout something useless.

Ariel seems to be happy.
And I'm also happy.
We're all happy.

And we're all live happily ever after.

But not too fast were not finish here yet.
I'm one step closer to our plan because I unexpectedly meet Ariel! What a luck.

With this the seed is planted. FUFU

After the long talk. Why do I feel like there's someone watching at us?

I look around and I saw a crab! Wait. Isn't that Sebastian? The annoying crab in the little mermaid movie? And on top of that he's the right hand man of King Triton the current king and Ariel's father? Why is he here? Isn't it too early to be noticed? Or perhaps were already in the movie settings?
Did I messed up?
But not too quite.
We should not leave evidence here. And on top of that collecting human resources in the mermaid land is a bit... I should say it's forbidden to be in touch with human.
So what gonna happen when the king knows that Ariel's collecting human things and also me who lend him my collection. Isn't we doomed? I know that the king only forbid Ariel for going outside and to stop collecting this crap but what about me? A nobody if I say so my self. Am I getting drilled?
Well.. it's a no for me. It's too early to be killed. So before the king knows why not dispose all of the witness here?

I cast Ice magic with acid in it and launch it to the crab and in an instant he melted.

"Oh my I'm so sorry Ariel I saw a bug in here. But don't worry I already kill it"

"Wow I didn't know your a Magician sister"

Hmm.. sister? Why do I keep hearing a ladylike name? Am I a lady? But I don't have a melon.

Is she perhaps mistaken me as a girl? It's too complicated to explain.. so let's just play along.

Anyway since the spy that King Triton put to follow Ariel are gone. So, what's gonna happen now?

Come to think of it isn't Sebastian a traitor who tip off the king about Ariel's collection? And the result is.. ofcourse they get in a fight and all of her collection destroy.
Now that I think about it. He's the one why Ariel suffer in the beginning of the story. It's not my fault okay? I just punished the evil and he deserved it anyway.
now that Sebastian is gone all of the worries are also gone she can now collect as much as she want, and in her 16th birthday.. the day when she met Prince Eric...

I'm so blessed that I can see this lovey dovey live. Even if Sebastian is gone Ariel and the prince can still met. As expected of the main characters there's already a red thread that connected in their heart.

If there's any changes it must be the king who have a quarrel with Ariel and also the reason why Ariel meet Ursula. If this story really revolves in the original story then Ursula is doomed!. And I won't let that happen. I must prevent their meeting no matter what.


<Come to our house. The beastmen are now moving>

What!? For real? After those years? Are they plotting something funny again?

"I think I'm gonna go first"

"So early, why so sudden?"

"You see, my parents are strict"


She have something to say but I have no time. I hurriedly bow out of respect in front of Sebastian funeral and go outside.



Why Sebastian didn't come home today?

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