The mermaid and the vampire

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So, here I am today in Ariel's secret base or so I called the place where she kept her collection.

Well.. I'm still waiting here.

I arrive here at 6 and guess what? It's already in 7 pm and Ariel didn't come!
C'mon what is this kind of unexpected event? Shouldn't you be in your rebellious phase right now? Or perhaps the plot of the story change?
And what would be the reason in it?

Too bad, it's seems that Ariel don't have intention to come.

But suddenly the place turn dark

I look up and I saw a big gray cloud. Going to rain all of a sudden?

But what caught my eyes is a big boat.
Wait? Isn't this plot too familiar?
Is this the infamous prince boat? For real? Perhaps Ariel is already there and fantasizing the prince in the corner of the boat!

I swim up and go near to the boat.
I didn't pay too much attention to it but the waves of the sea gone wild! Like, hello? When I reach  the top of the sea, the waves keep bumping to my face like crazy!
This is not a normal rainy days after all this is a storm!

The people on the boat gone wild and shouting like hell. Some of them deploy their small boat and start to place people into it one by one.

I look around hoping to find Ariel but I can't find the crap out of him! I dive and search the boat 360° all I can see are some parts of the boat is sinking

Sfx: Thunder

The thunder strikes in the center of the boat and it starts making fire!
Owemji Ariel where the hell are you? This is the time to rescue your prince!
The settings where your love bloom!

I use appraisal to go see through them. And search them one by one




All I can see is their name. I can't find Ariel or prince Eric. But why this Noe guy seems to be familiar? Where the hell did I see him?

I still search every corner of them. Swimming everywhere and fighting the waves as I appraise them.

[ Name: Miya de Hauer (Krystal Yun) Reincarnator
Race: Vampire
HP: 10/10
MP: 10/10
Average offence ability: 5
Average magical ability: 10
Average speed ability:10
Average defence ability:10
Average resistance ability:5
Blood magic (lvl 1), chain (lvl 1), Undying body,  sun resistance (max) ]

As I search by my eyes pop out! What the hell with this strange status? This is my first time seeing a window status by someone else.
And what the hell with that name? Miya and Krystal?
And on top of that she's a vampire and a reincarnated as that?
Is she desame as me? Yeah, no doubt she's the same as me.

I remember a high school classroom that was almost remarkably unremarkable.
Then I recall the faces of each of the students there.
Krystal Yun...
Hmm. Hmmmm.
Yeaaah, I don’t remember her.
I mean, I can remember all my classmates’ faces, more or less.
But her face and name don’t seem to match, or rather, her name doesn’t sound familiar in the first place.
To be fair, I was never someone who held a lot of interest for the people around me.
I can’t put a name to most of my classmates’ faces.
Not that I ever had to, since I hardly spoke to any of them.
Sometimes they would try to talk to me, but when I froze up out of sheer surprise, they’d turn bright red, get mad at me, and leave.
It’s wrong to just suddenly start talking to outcasts like that.
We’ll freeze up because we have no idea how to respond.
To be fair, even if the interaction wasn’t sudden, I’d probably end up doing the same thing—but still!
Ahh, I do remember the name of that kid who was always bothering me,
but that’s about it.
I don't certainly know any Krystal Yun.
If there were a way to check what her original face was like, it’d come back to me, but she obviously looks different now.
At the moment, all I can see is a old man holding a baby.
Around them, their guards protecting them from the strong waves.

Its not that I thinking about she's really my classmates. It's just that we die at the same day and time and to recall what Ursula said, all of my classmates was transported to another world and who knows if there are some of them transported in this Disney world. Well, we don't know. But the proof is right here before my eyes! Although I'm not that quite sure.

But according to Appraisal, the old man who’s holding this baby is human.
The old man's name is Benjamin De Hauer .
Same last name as the baby bloodsucker.
If you put two and two together, that means this old man is definitely the kid’s father.
Her father is human.
Is her mother a vampire, then?
Maybe she has two races because she’s half-human and half-vampire?
Well, her mother doesn’t seem to be tagging along, so I don’t have any way of knowing for sure.
Everyone else here seems to be human, too.
Which means this mystery isn’t entirely solved, but I can’t find out just by thinking about it, so let’s put that aside for now


C'mon gimme a break already!

This kid is a vampire. Why? because that’s what she got for being a reincarnation?
Judging by this old man clothes and their fancy boat, he’s gotta be the husband of some big shot. And their daughter is a vampire. Well, it's not my problem.

On the one hand, you’ve got me, born as a wimpy fish monster in the world’s biggest and most dangerous labyrinth.
On the other hand, you’ve got this vampire baby who was born into a high-class family.
That alone is a huge freaking difference.
But whatever!
I might’ve been born a monster, but I’m super-strong now!
Who needs to grow up in the lap of luxury?!
Not me, that’s for sure!

I want to swim all the way there and have a talk with that lucky blood sucker. But they seems to be busy enough to not notice me.
And even if I could, my social skills are so crappy that we still wouldn’t get anywhere!
I’m an outcast, all right?
And we outcasts don’t like being the center of attention.

*Shout shout

Omg they're too noisy. I want to save them but I need to find Ariel first to witness the love between the main characters.
If they die then, it's not my problem. It's Ariel fault for not showing! But I should at least save the blood sucker vampy were a colleague after all.


A notification at this time?

I dive deep to avoid the waves and took my cellphone to look what it is


And on top of that I can't recognize the background at all! It's not in his basement or in the palace either.


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