A summoner fish!?

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A huge wave formed after a fierce battle with a human and a fish and the winner is...

Ofcourse it's me! I didn't mean to run okay? Think about fighting with your classmate and tomorrow he bring his mom. It's not fun anymore. Yes it's not fun. So the winner is me! Because he cheat! BWAHAHAHA good job me!. Well anyway speaking about battle my birthplace which is I called my secret base is ruined and maybe that brat already leave huh. Well thanks to that I didn't need to endure seing that face. Come to think of it didn't I save him? Why the attitude? He even destroy my base and now it's not habitable anymore maybe this is the sign that I need to leave my nest and be grow stronger. LOL thanks to him now I know what my actual size is. I'm actually as big as a normal adult fish in earth. A newborn fish is big as a grown up fish in earth. So I'm gonna be a giant if I grow up more right? I wonder how big mother is.
By the way since I'm leaving to this nest I started to eat this seaweed as I walked by. Thinking about that brat he is more likely injured he got hit by me after all. But who cares I have my own problem if he die then that's not my problem as long as he not die in my hands right? Didn't he injured again because of me!? Then it's my fault if he gonna die! Calm down me. It's not that too serious. Yes. Not. Not at all.
So I'm here right now in front of some unknown creature who pop up out of nowhere. Like, are you a ninja? I was just passing by and "tada" what a surprise if I have a appraisal skill I would like to use it as a reference to know more about it. But his appearance is a fish. Ofcourse a fish where all fish here were in water after all but the difference is this fish has a sharp hand. It's looks like a sword and its face is kind'a mad. What!? Mad? Why would it gonna be mad? I looked again and it is really mad. I didn't do anything are you a tsundere?

He raise his hand and swing it in front of me it's as if he intended it to kill me.
You kidding me right? Wait!, He's serious. Gotta run! I just merely survive from those giant rocks and now there's this ugly fish? Gimme a break already!
While swimming fast he chase after me and swing his hand left and right. And ofcourse to be surprised I Dodge it. I may be a fish but I once to be a human. While looking back I see some green light that seems to be familiar. Isn't that a magic circle? Wow it's my first seeing one. Although I use water magic to push that brat I didn't see any magic circle because it's looks like I use telekinesis instead of magic and when I heal him I also didn't see one because I occupied with my thoughts. Thinking about it the green light that the fish make suddenly a new small fish appeared! Isn't that a summoner? For real? It's smaller than I thought. It's the same size at the hand of that fish.
Now I'm doomed!. His servants are now catching at me!. Are you not tired at all?
And then one of his servants slash my body!. Waaahhhh!!! It's bleeding!! I turn on my hard tail skill and put acid on it. I'm not your typical prey you bitch! I block one of the servants attack and slash them using my tail.
One down.
Huff huff Huff! I better do this earlier rather than running. Running makes me tired.
Level up ⬆️

Did I level up? Wait, my injuries are all healed up!? When I level up my health will be filled to max again? Wow. I'm not that surprise at all thinking about in a RPG world when everything is possible.
The other servant is now approaching me he use his 2 hand as a sword. Looking at it. It looks like he is in a midieval war with the titled of two sword general. He keeps attacking me but ofcourse I keep avoiding too. I can't make an opening for my offence and it's not that easy avoiding his attack all the time.
He manage to thrust my abdomen. And yeah it's hurts like hell!! AHHHHHH!! I'm not planning to die this early. And now that your hand is stuck in my abdomen you only have one sword. And I'm not that stupid to make him attack before I do. So before he make a move I put my acid to my hand and slash its head.
Level up ⬆️

I got fully healed again. But thanks to this I can manage to survive. But if this system didn't exist I doubt I can manage till tomorrow here.
The summoner fish shocked for the loss of its servants. Well I might looked like a fish but I'm still human. He's now casting a new spell. It's as if I'll make that happen. I cast a water magic to make him distract and I hurriedly swim behind him and use my acid tail to slash him.
He let a sound. As expected a boss can't die easily with one shot but atleast I make a heavy blow. Only one last attack. I swim head on and ready to slash him with my hand but unexpectedly he turned back and raised his tail and slam me to the ground.
A lot of blood spitting in my mout. It's hurts. It's really hurts. I'm a fool only thinking about offence and now I'm dieing here. I can't move it's as if my whole body is in paralyze state
"You acquired physical resistance level 1"
Is this the same voice that I heard when I got the acid skill? Well thanks to that I can move a little bit. He raised his tail again and ready to slam me but I hurriedly move away and put a sand in his eyes. Bwahaha now taste my acid tail!!

Level up⬆️

[ Name: None
Race: Silver fish (lvl 5/5)
Rarity: E
HP: 2/10
MP: 1/5
Average offence ability: 40
Average magical ability: 39
Average speed ability:35
Average defence ability:20
Average resistance ability:19
Poison fang(lvl 1), Intermediate Heal (lvl 2), Hard tail (lvl2), water (lvl1)
Acid (lvl 2) ]

"Please choose your evolution form"

[Small Horn fish]    [medium Silver fish]

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now