A peaceful night before the storm

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"So, tomorrow is Ariel's 16th birthday. Let's think of a plan"

Right now. Me and the gang are gathered here in the living room.
You said what happened after we saw the drone? Isn't it obvious? We run away! It's not that I'm afraid or anything who would not be surprised if you saw a creepy drone emitting red light in its head. Who knows if it's suddenly attack us or it might drop something like a nuclear bomb in an instant. It's a modern gadget hello!? and to think that I didn't buy a drone in the first place It seems that I'm not the only who knows about modern weapon or maybe I'm not the only one here who reincarnated in this world.
Let's stop think about it. Luckily my space magic evolve and now I can use teleportation. I can only teleport to the place that I have been visited so in summary I can't teleport to the place that I haven't visited yet.
Enough with that.
The 16th birthday of Ariel is coming up tomorrow. Thinking about the plot isn't it the setting where Ariel is in her rebellious phase? Like, she's a brat who escape in her own birthday. C'mon isn't she supposed to atleast stay in her party even if it's just a minute? She should be considerate to her father who put a lot of effort making her own birthday. I still remember it that she didn't say thank you to her father for making a birthday party to her. That's probably why they quarrel a lot and to think that she wants to be intact with human. Isn't she crazy enough? There's a history in Atlantic kingdom where half of mermaid got captured by humans and ripped they're mermaid skin to sell in high ranking nobles. Isn't her father just trying to protect her? And Ariel's ignored her father and step in a bomb trap. And what's more? She abandoned her own family and her mermaid race just to be with her prince. Although they didn't know each other yet. What if Prince Eric is a scumbag who collects mermaid and sell them? Isn't Ariel doomed? But since she's the female lead ofcourse that's kind of setting will never happen. Female lead buff sure is insane.

"I think you should transform as a baby again Ursula" I said while holding the baby potion that she made

"Again!?" She said in complaint tone

"The Knights already knows us. A lady with silver hair who's running an orphan in Atlantica Kingdom. And the invitation is enough that the four of us can go"

The twins nod

"Since you say so"
She grab the baby potion in my hand and drink it.

Truth to be told. I just want to see her in her baby form FUFU. Actually I gain illusion magic earlier when we massacre a certain village. I can just transform her whatever she wants. But since she drink it already let's not talk about illusion magic Infront of her.


A smoke suddenly came when she drink the potion. It's probably be the sign that she's already shrinking.
The twin hurriedly go to the kitchen and grab the huge fan that we usually use when we cooking barbeque.

*Fan fan
*Swoosh swoosh

They fan the smoke that came out from Ursula. They sure love the person who raised them. I feel envy and missed my sister in alternative world. Huhu I feel like my tears would came out. I feel sorry for my sister her brother turn out to be a serial killer.

When the smoke gone the baby Ursula came out.


I and the twins nod

After we pass time we decided on our plan. First I will sneak out this 3 in Atlantica kingdom. Since I already know the future unfold where Ariel miss her birthday party and go to her basement instead I will follow her after the gang entered the Tigers then.

FUFU with this I can finally see the main characters loving doving scene on live. Can't wait to witness their love at each other. I wonder what's the male lead looks like.

I go to the kitchen and get pork in our ref. We always eat noodles, sangyup, and any other foreign food why not try something extraordinary tonight?
I slice the pork and put seasoning in it.

"Master, what's our dinner tonight?"
"Are we going to eat squid ball again?"

I flinch. Lately when Ursula hunting alone for months to gather mana stone in Underworld Labyrinth I got lazy to cook something with a long process. I mean, only Ursula here is picky when it comes to food. I don't know when this happen but when I introduce them the modern dishes she suddenly doesn't eat something normal she always request Letche flan, spaghettii, sangyup or anything that needs lots of ingredients. Is she out of her mind? My money easily decrease because of her nonsense request. Isn't it perhaps the reason why she challenge us to kill everyone we see in that village to regain my money and eat something extraordinary again? She got me there. I didn't know she's planning something funny behind my back.
And when she finally go back home after a month she witness us eating squid ball where the squid tail is clearly seen. She tremble and run to comfort room afterwards. Is she going to vomit? And so I realized that were eating Ursula kin!
Ursula went to kitchen to find something to eat there but all she see is my stock of squid ball and small octopus who cut in pieces.


When we eating I and the twin surprised when we hear a loud noise in the kitchen but what we saw there when we got there is Ursula lying in the ground.


The twin shout and check if she is still alive but luckily she just faint.
And so, after that turn of events. We avoid to eat something related to Ursula kin.
The twin looks gloomy thats their favourite food after all. But we can't do anything about that. I'm afraid Ursula might join in heaven before we get Ariel voice.

"Here, I cooked this squid ball earlier. Eat it when she's not looking"
I give them 3 pieces of squid ball each

They smile at me and start to run and leave the house. They probably gonna eat it somewhere far. FUFU it's looks like I'm teaching children something forbidden.

"Silver! I would like to eat adobo tonight!"
She shout while she's in the living room

Here we go again.

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