A Sudden Visit

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"Father, the Sweden Kingdom up to something again" Eric said while sitting and looking at me seriously
"They demand to hand over the omega or else they breakout a war"

I almost pass out to my sit. I can't take it anymore!

"What's your plan then?" I said to him calmly

"Even though we don't have an omega on hand yet but even so, If I have an omega why would I give him to them?" He said angrily

I sighed heavily. Sweden Kingdom is one of the strongest nation in this continent. Their territory is large and have a large number of soldiers and on top of that rumour said that they have two mage backing them up.

Our kingdom is strong too. But not as strong as them we don't have mage but we have three water Wivern. But this wivern are not strong enough to engage in battle. We wait to grow them and evolve it into a dragon. This is our trump card but we didn't expect to spark a war before they even evolve.

"I didn't expect them to spread rumours and now even the Sweden Kingdom are now in high alert" He said in frustration

"Omega are too precious, except for them being extinct they are the cure for all Alpha"

It's true, Alpha gone mad for not able to sniff omega pheromones. Alpha and Omega are alike. When omega gone extinct the world turn 180 degrees.
Rumour said that there are some omega who survive but hiding in a certain village. But after a long expedition we can't find any information or trace about them. It's the first when my son Eric encounter one. He don't want to share his image or what he looks like but one thing is for sure, the blueish fish scale that his holding back there is akin to the omega pheromones and its not your typically pheromones that you can buy from general store to calm down alpha, it's really strong that you can't think of it as a fake. IT IS REAL!

"Should we say that we didn't have an omega on hand? And start a meeting between two countries." I said.

"I doubt they believe that."

"Atleast we ha--"



"WHAT THE" father said

"Is this an attack?!" I said in a suprise

"Guards! Protect the king at all cost!" I shout while start to run and investigate the area

"Eric! Where are you going?!"

"Just stay there, I'll handle this!"

A large number of royal elite guards run towards my father's room.
I wear my metal chain and and get dress quickly to engage in battle.

"Becareful" father said in a worrying tone.

I look at him and start to run towards that noise


shit, I hope this is not an attack from Sweden.

I order the knight to form in their formation and be ready for the upcoming battle.
When I got out of the castle I look at the room of my little sister Miya. Noe is with her so she's certainly safe. Noe is one of our elite butler who specialise from doing almost everything. He is also an S rank adventurer back then. That's why when I heard that he's going to retire from being an adventurer I go straight to him and ask him to be my little sister butler. At first he refused but when I said the salary he accepted it willingly.
I search a background check of him but he doesn't show any dangerous background. But there's a rumour about him killing his own group in a quest. It was happen when he is a low rank back then, they encounter a giant underworld snake in underworld labyrinth and apparently his groupmates push him and make him their bait.
Thats the information that I got from his background check. In that day those adventurers didn't comeback and only Noe made it back alive.
But now he is strong enough that can kill a giant underworld snake alone.
And for some reason after I hire him we got closer and become a buddy that loyal to me.
I'm certainly sure that Miya is safe so I must move forward now and face the foe beneath that loud noise

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now