I finally found you

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I move away the towel that covered the baby and see if he is still alive but what a surprise when I see him breathing although it's faint but I can feel the air in his nose.

How the hell this baby survive in this deathly sea. I'm afraid that if I hold him I break his arms or feet or at worst if I lift him his head might drop.

What should I do with this? He's still alive. I'm not that kind of a person who ignored a lifeless kid and throw it somewhere. I search my bag but all I have right now is soju and noodles and a little bit of chocolate but no matter how you think at it, it's not right that to let this kid eat something non nutritious. Should I let him drink soju instead?

Are you out of your mind Driver? Why would you let a kid drink soju? He's still a baby without teeth! And it's not that I can breastfeed him I don't have a tits. I mean, I have but it's not a melon and doesn't squeeze milk.

Come to think of it Scorpio lives in an abandoned mall should I ask him to take care of this child? They look like the same species though

[ Name: Estio
Race: Ghoul
HP: -/-
MP: 30/30
Average offence ability: 10
Average magical ability: 5
Average speed ability:50
Average defence ability:10
Average resistance ability:15
Environment adaptivity, Dark magic (Lvl 1), Curse (lvl1), Undead, Illusion (lvl1), Holy magic Resistance (Max)

Title: Loved by the Litch King, Blessing of the Litch king ]

I use appraisal and my guess is right. They are the same species. And to think that this child loved by the litch king. Is he perhaps the child of the litch king? It can't be, undead can't give birth.
Why you ask? Because their whole body is rot ofcourse their private part is rot too. Undead is crazy enough that no matter how much you kill it even if you slice them in a half they still won't die. Only holy magic can defeat them but to think that this child max out his holy magic. Isn't he already Immortal? If this child grows up maybe he can be strong enough to kill a demon lord or a hero alone.
Ofcourse he's not that strong enough to kill me if that's really happen. I'm one of the celestial god after all. God can't be killed were strong enough to protect ourselves even if a whole planet attack us we can still survive. God can only be killed by another God.
This is probably why Leo want to gather all of the 12 heavenly stars. Are we going to a war soon?
Let's stop thinking about the future. I have a lot of responsibility in my hands right now.

Using my engineering magic I transform my small boat into a spaceship 🚀 enough that the two of us can fit. I'm afraid to handle this child so I bring along its own boat.

Okay.. it's settled.. let's travel to planet X!

Starting the engine. I cast space magic to instantly teleport us to Planet X atmosphere. I look at the map in the screen in my spaceship and I saw a green dot near in XX highschool. This dot represent Scorpio. I put GPS in Scorpio so that I won't struggle to find him in the near future. Who knows if he think of running away might as well be smarter enough than to be sorry later. This remind me of Capricorn he sure knows how to play hide and seek it takes me years to find where planet he is.


Enough with that. I landed my spaceship near at the school. Looking around there's still a lot of zombies here. It's already been ages since I travel here but the humans can't still defeat a mere zombie? Scorpio said that this planet is the same as Earth. They have the same gadgets and laws but in turns of events they went too far as to experiment a certain animal who turned into a zombie and at worst it escape and it leads to this zombie era now. It's not my problem anyway, why bother to other planet circumstances.
I transform my spaceship into a robot and give the baby's boat with the baby inside to him. We're now walking like it was nothing inside the school. Thanks enough that our group here consist of non human.
A robot, A ghoul, and I who is a cyborg. Although I look like a human but deep inside I don't have a flesh if you cut my body you can't see blood you can only see wires and metal.

"Driver, what's bring you here?" Scorpio said while walking at us

"Well, perhaps you can help me with this?"
I instruct my robot to show the baby inside the boat.

"I didn't know you like kids Driver."

"I didn't come here to make fun of me"

"Okay, okay, you didn't change at all. Should we come in first. The trap students near at that building keep looking at us. They might think you are some unknown creatures or an alien who came down to planet x. You suprise me coming here riding with a spaceship"

"Humph it's too far if I land somewhere without people and ride in car just to meet you."

"HAHAHA you got a point there"

We are now walking inside the school and stop in the deans office.
I sit in a sofa and look around. All of his stuff here looks expensive.

"Here, have a coffee" he sit in front of me

I drink the coffee that he gave me. It taste sweet.

"So, you didn't mistaken me as a healer are you?"

PFFTT I split the coffee that I drink to his face.


"How did you know?"

"That child is in a brink of death. What else should I think aside from healing him? You know that I'm not running a daycare center here right?"

"I thought you can help me with this because you both have the same species"

"Yes we're the same but I can't take care of a child who is in brink of death. I can't heal him either."

"It's true. But what should I do with this?"

"You can bring him to Capricorn, he's the only one who can use healing magic in the gods realm"

"I know but, I still can't find him. I know where planet he is but I can't find the crap out of him."

"It's impossible that he can't feel your presence. Perhaps he's hiding from you. Did you fought?"

"We didn't fight thought. Guessing from his personality maybe he feel embarrassed to show to me. He's a shy person after all"

"Maybe he's just busy building his body to the max. HAHAHA although he's shy he still a muscle brain"


"What's that? Your phone?"

I look at my phone and I saw a notification in it.

"Oh. It seems that my drone saw something"

I click at the footage that it film and I saw a familiar figure in it!

I stand in a hurry

"Woah what's gotten to you bro"

"I found him"

"Found who?"


Scorpio: (☉。☉)!

"Please take care of this child in a moment I'll bring Capricorn here!"

FUFU this time I won't let you escape.


Meanwhile Ursula and the gang


"Silver what's gotten to you?"

"I think we should leave now"

"So early, why?"

"Did you forgot to poop again master?"

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now