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So, as I saw him looking at me like a creep I instantly teleport to Ariel basement. Like, c'mon if a pervert looking guy keep glaring at you like he's going to eat you in a hole wouldn't you be scared even if it just a little bit?

Even if I look like this I'm still a human who have guts too! So, let's avoid that kind of thing in the near future. Besides it's Ariel fault for not showing up in a important plot like this. If Ariel keep continuing like this, then let's not hope to have a romance genre here.
It's seems that someone already change the genre.

Yeah, it's not me. It's not really me at all.

What? You say I'm the culprit behind this chaotic change of events? Well.. all I did is give Ariel a smart phone. I'm a good person with good heart so I want her to experience something that she didn't experience until now, like, having a cellphone to ease her boredom. But I didn't expect her to catch up that easily to have her own live with a thousands of viewers! And I didn't teach her that okay! So it's not my problem for the sudden change of plot okay! And it's not my fault if they don't have a romance either okay!
Okay? Okay? Okay.

Good to be clear.

I swim to the palace where that loud boom came from but when I came there the mansion is in shattered! Hello? I was there just an hour ago, why come it turn out like this?
I swim across to it to find out if there are mermaids here who got caught in and died but luckily there's none.
I check my phone to call Ursula and also to check if she's still alive and well.

*Ring ring

<Oh- hello silver? Come to our base right now there's a man here. He said he want to meet you, I didn't know you have a sugar daddy.>


I end the call in frustration. I mean, what the hell with that sugar daddy. I don't even have an acquaintance or connection to anybody. All I know is Ursula and the twin, how come someone knows me? Is this perhaps the Knights who gave us invitation in Ariel's birthday? If so, Ursula should already know who's them but in our talk earlier it seems that it's not.

Lets save the curiousity, I should go there fast and spread the news to the gang


"Silver? Is that really you?"

Right now there's a dude who's in a state of shock looking and observing me carefully. Who the hell is he? He has a brown hair and a wierd protective glasses that covered almost half of his face. And what's with that engineering outfit?
Wait engineering? For real? Come to think of it, his whole outfit is that of a whole set of an engineering outfit but in a fantasy mode, and I didn't think it earlier that the glasses is kind of suspicious too, I mean, there's no such thing a wierd glasses like that appear in this world. His whole item is that of akin to the modern world! Perhaps he's in the same situation as me and that vampy?

I look at Ursula and the twin that hiding in his back but she only shrug and say *beats me*. It's looks like she doesn't know at all.

"Hey! Answer me, are you really silver?"
He's glaring at me again. Like, I don't know how to answer.
Yes, I'm silver, so what?
Gotta problem?
I want to answer like that but I better not. It might be the end of me if I say that. C'mon! I can sense a huge magic power coming from him I bet I'm just a fly compared to him.
Hmph, for starters, let's play along!

"Yes, I'm silver. Who are you?"
I said while looking at him like a pitful puppy. And take a glance to Ursula
*Save me boss!

"How-- how come you turn like this?" He said in suprise

"Ah" Ursula raise her hand. "Actually I found him in my house a year ago and it seems that he lost his memories so I cure him"
That's Ursula for you! For a situation like this I can only say boss to Ursula. She can easily grasp a situation I'm in right now. I mean, we are a group of family here. Although we're not blood related but atleast we consider each other as a family. I should treat them mango float later.

"Is that really true? I know at a glance that he's silver because I can sense his magical power but I didn't know you suffer like this. What happened to your muscles?"

Muscle? Are you gone mad? How come I have muscle? Is he mistaken me as someone else? I can't even lift a bucket of fish and your talking me having a muscle?

"Ah, about that. Can I talk for silver in a minute?" Ursula said.

"Okay" he said while wiping his small tears with his black handkerchief.


"And so, why did you bring him here?" I said in complain

"No, I mean, I don't have a choice. We accidentally meet each other at the palace. You see the palace in shattered right? He's the one who did it. And in a one shot at that"

For real? Is that the boom thing that I heard related? My instinct tell me that he's not normal. Not to mention, he looks like a human but he can speak and breath well under the water! I use appraisal to him earlier but I can't appraise him at all. Wait, come to think of it he looks like familiar. Where did I see him?
I get my cellphone and look for some clues but right after I scroll in my chat box online I saw a familiar figure! Yes, there's no doubt. He's the scammer that always texting me! Even in midnight my cellphone keep ringing because of this bastard. I scroll our chat messages and I saw a picture of him in the death sea smiling and having a peace sign. He said he's Virgo this might not be a joke considering how he massacre the palace in one shot.
I thought he's a scammer for real but it turns out it's not. I'm ashamed of my self.

"How's the task that I given to you?"

Oh right, I completely forgot about Ariel's voice. I take a glance for a moment to that guy in the living room together with the twins who comforting him.

I use my space magic and summon my item box spell and get the jar that Ursula made to store Ariel voice. The jar is still glowing as I get it out of the item box.

Ursula eyes turned bright that I can see star inside it.

"As expected of silver, now you can go North and find the opening gate to another world"

Hmm... Wait, what!?
Did I hear it right?

"What do you mean me? I? Alone?" I said in confusion

"Yes, didn't you say to help me? Well, my goal isn't done yet. And I want to join with you too but I can't just leave this place be. The beastmen keep summoning here we need someone to stop them right. So, I'm that someone who sit still here and kill every crap of them"

Yes, I said that. But you only said that you want to get Ariel's voice how come it went further? Are you out of your mind?

"No, I can't do this. Go for it. I'm the one who's going to stay here"

"Silver your so heartless! You know that, that world is like an RPG world right? The same settings in the game that we're playing? How come an octopus like me who doesn't have any skill board can survive in that crazy world " she said in pitiful tone

Wha-- if you put it like that I'm in a losing side!

"When you travel into that world you need a new ally. Why not use that brat over there" she said and point her finger to that wierd boy who's sniffing and sitting behavely in the sofa

She got a point there, but still.... How come a lazy person like me entrusted with an important mission! And what should I do when I go there? Kill every beastmen on sight and wipe them out and finish their clan? I bet that isn't gonna be easy.

Well.. speaking of traveling in another world beside in this world might be fun. Should I try it and explore both worlds at once?
Oh crap I totally forgot to ask! What happened to King Triton after that huge explosion. Is he still alive and doing well?

I look at Ursula and she look at me in confusion.

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now