Finding Celestials are way too hard

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A year ago, Leo entrust me to find the other heavenly Celestials.
I travel every milky way and solar system but I only found Scorpio. He helps me to find the other Celestials and lucky enough he found Sagittarius and Pieces. But this group of Celestial are not enough and it can't even reach half of the original numbers.
I don't know what happened to the others but I can sense that there is really something fishy going on here.

I remember Leo form a group of celestial whose it's party contain of 5. The celestial back there isn't complete. We are still a newborn god and the others are still baby.
Although we are a newborn when we reach the age of 10 our body turn into that of an adult but it's depends on your physical ability. Since my phisical ability is not that enough I look like a highschooler boy. But not your typical highschool boy who doesn't have muscle at all, I at least have abs okay!. Looking at Silver back then. He looks like a wrestler who can punch a crap out of them in an instant.
I don't know why Leo form a group back then. His party contain "Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, and Capricorn" and also he himself. My only task is to hide the other celestial. Back then I'm too inoccent and doesn't understand anything Capricorn/Silver said to hide them somewhere far and that what I do so. I carry them in my spaceship and go to the alternative world.

But not even in a half of the year the kids glows and disappear one by one. At first I didn't mind it because this is Silver's mana and his magic mastery which is the space magic. This means that the kids are teleporting to somewhere safe. But not too long after their disappearance Leo call me.

<Go to our realm, we need to talk>

I then use my engineering magic and make a spaceship to go to our celestial realm.
I thought this is a Celestial meeting with the other celestial but it seems that I'm wrong.

Leo and I are the only one here.
He explain why the kids disappeared and why the other celestial are not here.
When I leave together with the kids they actually fighting with the other gods. And we are in a push back situation where we don't have a chance to survive. He let me go together with the kids to survive but the enemy track the kids so Capricorn use his last resort to save the kids.
Back then they really nearly die because of how powerful the enemy is but thanks to Capricorn who went berserk he teleport all of the celestial to somewhere safe and he put a lock to this celestial realm so that no one can enter here except for the pure celestial blood. But the problem is only Capricorn knows where the other celestial is.

Leo put a mission on me to find the other celestial as soon as possible but guess what? It's already 500 years and I still don't know where the hell capricorn is or even the other celestial. I only found Scorpio and Scorpio found the other two.
So, I take a break for a year in earth to experience how human life is. I enroll as a student but there's always some annoying bugs who keep bothering me. Like, they keep barging how I stole their position in something nonsense that I don't even know. Then later I got the nickname the number 1 delinquent in Z school.
I even got a underling who always follow me like a duck. What their name again? Gu Xiwen and Luke, I guess.
I always feel tired for finding the other celestial and fighting with the snoty brat here in school saying I stole her girlfriend when I don't have a girlfriend my self. Are human this energetic?

But this event turn upside down when I met Chowon who's the transfer student in our class. I don't know why but I feel like I know him for some reason. I don't recognize his face, body or his posture but I got the feeling that I know him for ages now. He looks skinny and his body are way too curve that you might mistaken him as a girl. He always wear his thick glass even thought I know that it doesn't have a prescription I don't know what his reason behind in it but let's don't ask for some personal issues.
What supprise me is he's too attentive and he even write notes for me to study even though I don't need it I'm only here just for fun. Wether I leave the desk scattered or left a trash something when I go back my desk is always clean. And so, my underling named her House elf who always take care in a house without notice.

I didn't notice it but we grow closer after I encounter him getting bullied by someone else in XX highschool.
I still remember his face when I beat the crap out of them.
He looks kind'a cute..


Why am I thinking something wierd?

Anyway I'm here right now at the sea searching for Silver. I don't know where exactly he is. But one thing I'm certain of, I must find him right here right now!

After I find him in my drone he then suddenly disappeared using teleportation magic. That magic enough is surely akin to Silver so I'm sure that he's really is Silver.

The image I took is too blured so I can't take a peek to his face. But I can imagine how a meat head he is there's no doubt that he's much stronger now and have lots of muscle.

While searching at the top of the sea I saw a gleaming light.

What the--
This huge magic power.. there's no doubt it's Poseidon magic energy! And its wreaking havoc! I need to stop it before all the fish here burn to crisp

I transform my screwdriver into a giant screwdriver and throw it near at the glowing light!


A huge sea shockwave form and suddenly the storm calm down.

Meanwhile at the Atlantica Mansion


OMG what the hell with this huge metal? I was actually at my near death if this hit me. I mean, It land  between my tentacles!!

Holy buddha!

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