Horn fish next evolution

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I use ice magic to act as a dagger and pierce them as they moved forward at us. If I have a lot of MP reserved here I can defeat them in an instant but I can only recover my MP by leveling up.
We are now encircled by a group of shark and ofcourse we form a circle too to watch out every movement of the shark. Why this shark so good blocking at us?
There's no time for meddling with.

I cast a huge magic ice circle that cost calf of my MP and throw it to a group of shark Infront of us. Hell boy! That's the path!

Level up ⬆️
Level up ⬆️
Level up ⬆️

Because of this my MP went up again!. You know what? While fighting this monstrous shark I thought that they're weak! Supper weak! It's not even half of the summoner fish. I kind'a laugh thinking about running and avoiding this kind of huge fish they can't even scratch the crap out of me. I'm a bug to this world after all. Flotsam and Jetsam seems to be shocked seeing me using some unknown magic in front of them. It's not that I want to keep it secret from them it's just that I feel it's not important to tell them. Well what's happened is already happened so how am I going to deal with them?
Ofcourse let's kill 'em and eat!! Eat!! Thank you very much

And 10 minutes past...

A group of shark is floating in the middle of the sea. What's happened to them? They froze! And now Flotsam and Jetsam are on the way to store them in my storage room. I think we have a shark soup for supper

While swimming back to our den the twin seems to be happy well it's not that I oppose even me is happy I doubt Ursula pop up her eyes when she see this group of shark we hunted. Come to think of it if we hunt one of the shark that chase Ariel did we perhaps touch one of the suprise elements in the plot? You know what? I don't care anymore what's happen to the FL is nothing to do with me. So let her be.
"So what is this?" Ursula said that seeking for explanation.




Earlier when we arrived to our den the twin rolling to the ground that you can clearly see that they are overjoyed they go to Ursula who is busy for making potions and drag her to the pack of shark that we hunt.

Behold the great me massacre a group of shark that can last us for 2 months! The twins give a thumbs up for me

"The herb" she said.

Yes ofcourse we didn't forget I open my item box and drop them.

"Oh it's a lot, good job"

He, what did you expect for me? I'm great after all.
Wait, come to think of it while I'm fighting the status once said about evolution. Did I perhaps meet the maximum level again? Woah isn't that fast? It's only been a month though.

Let's see..

[ Name: None
Race: Horn fish (lvl 10/10)
Rarity: A
HP: 50/50
MP: 110/110
Average offence ability: 60
Average magical ability: 170
Average speed ability:90
Average defence ability:50
Average resistance ability:50
Poison fang(lvl 3), Intermediate Heal (lvl 2), Iron tail (lvl5), water (lvl5), Acid (lvl 2), Appraisal (lvl2), Ice (lvl5), Taboo (lvl 3), Space magic (lvl4), Psychic (lvl1) ]

Title: Kin killer, Kin eater

“Please choose your evolution form”

[Slime horn fish]             [Rocky horn fish]

It's seems that I gaining a lot of skills now. Some of my skill level rise up. My space magic is now level 4 and I can now use Spatial Maneuvering!
Spatial maneuveringbis a kind of magic that make you step in air it's looks like your walking in air but ofcourse it's comes with limitation. As of now my space is only in level 4 and the spatial maneuvering skill only last at 5 seconds in every steps, so if you want to last it in a minute you should walk, run, or jump to create a new plate of spatial maneuvering. It's kinda complicated to explain so let's stop talking about this crap although it's not useful as of now because I'm in water maybe someday it comes handy.
And also thanks for my water magic using it as telekinesis to move my ice spear I got psychic magic!
Psychic magic is a magic that let you move items or something that is movable as long as it can reach to my limit radius. It's the same with telekinesis but in different name. Well who cares their function is the same anyway so let's stop the discussion here.

Back to the reality system says that I can evolve now and what the hell is this slime horn fish it's my first time hearing it and by imagining it's form, it's looks like kind'a wierd. can you imagine it? While the rocky horn fish is maybe looks like a rock ofcourse. I'm not a shamman and I don't know how it's looks like or what's its future use.

Let's ask the system first.

Slime horn fish: a slimy horn fish that can change shape as it's will. Specialize in magic and rot attack

Rocky horn fish: A hard fish that look like a rock. It's defence is high but slow in speed

Hmmm.. both of them is good I choose magic type fish recently isn't it nice if I balance it and choose defence this time? But my speed... I know that I rely on my speed okay? This is one of the important thing if you want to escape hell! So rocky horn fish is out. Thinking about a small fish with a huge body build it's wierd right? But slime fish is wierdier. Well I don't care anymore. Let the appearance be the good thing is I can survive right? It's settled!

I choose you "slime horn fish"!!!


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