New Friend?

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"Actually I'm running an orphan"

"That child seems to be unusual"

"Right?.. I guess so"

After a little bit of chitchat the soldiers are now leaving.

*Why are they blushing?*

Leaving behind the birthday invitation of the 16th birthday of the youngest princess in Atlantica kingdom Ariel.
I guess meeting with the soldiers is a bless after all.

But how am I supposed to treat this brat in my hand? I mean it's Ursula.. or should I call it Ursabela for now. She turned into a toddler and ofcourse we know the solution as well but isn't it a perfect disguise to secretly interfere in their mansion? Not to mention we got an invitation.

"Yes, your right. I act as a child for now but make sure to get Ariel voice no matter what. Where chasing time here!"

It's true. Time is a must, beastmen are keep summoning here and planted some wierd stone somewhere that can suck energy or life force if this continued we might get dried up.

Ursula came back to the kitchen and continue her doings

Looking at her, she quite cute. Although she's tsundere. When she turned into a toddler her 8 tentacles are gone and it turns into a gray mermaid tail. It's suit her with her white hair.

Enough with that.. since I got my free time and doing nothing I went out and search for something that makes me interested.


Oh.. I got a notification in my Facebook account.

Actually when I got a cellphone I made a Facebook account. Ofcourse it's a given for a millennial citizens like me. Let's get to be honest here! I mean, I can't live without cellphone okay? Having a bored days cellphone is the only way to keep us alive!

I try to log in in my previous account but it seems that it's a taboo to get in touch with my previous things and as well as in my family. I look at my little sister account and it turn out she's doing well. Good job little sister.

<Hey Capricorn where are you?>

I look at my notification and I saw this message. Even thought I'm right now in a fantasy world there's always a spam message like this. Even scammer can travel through different world huh. I mean, he says he's a god or something saying he's Virgo and in a journey finding the other heavenly stars. It's not that I'm interested or anything that I keep in touch with him it's not my fault that I have 0 chat mate except for Ursula and the twins.

Well let's see how far this scammer can go.


He send another message but this time it's a picture.

<I'm here in Death sea!>

he sent another message. Looks like this person didn't tired at all. If you're a god isn't it given to find me instantly? Why travel in death sea?! Do you think I'm that brave enough to swim there!?

And looking at the picture he send....
He send his selfie smiling in a small metal boat under the bloody colored death sea! His face is half covered in a black tinted glass only his mouth and half of his cheeks can see.  There's a tree without leaves and the sky looks scary!. He even pose a peace sign! What the hell is he doing. Is he out of his mind? And what's with that tree? Can tree grow in a middle of the sea without land?

He looks like a high schooler who's in a trip

Is this editted?  Well.. you did a good job for nearly believing me.

"Oh my god!!"

Jhsksj!! I nearly drop my phone for the sudden shout

Why there's always crazy people surrounding me? Gimme a break already!

I turn around

"Isn't it a human shirt!?"

You interested? Well.. you supposed to be because this is the long sleeve polo shirt that I made. FUFU
I made this with my own mermaid thread with white and blueish color! I even put something sparkling that I secretly get in Ursula pouch.

I nod*

hello? Where not that close yet. Who are you by the way?

Looking at her. Red hair with green mermaid tail. She's beautiful enough to be mistaken as a doll. I envy her.

"Are you interested in human things too?"

I nod*

It's not that I'm interested. I mean, I'm a human in my previous life. And it's a good thing to have a mermaid friend when we about to interfere the palace right? Maybe I can use her as a servant to spy there and that or in a worst case use her as a bait and let her die while escaping if this operation gone wrong.
What? You said use magic to wipe them out? You're not totally wrong there. But the problem is the existence of King Triton. Ariel's father.
He possess the divine power of the god Poseidon which is pass for every king in Atlantica kingdom not to mention that crazy weapon he use the golden fork.. the golden trident I mean. It's also a weapon that bless by Poseidon in the pass. Isn't he too op? Or it is just in name? Well.. I don't know. Let's don't seek fight. I'm a kind of person who prioritize my own life after all.

Come to think of it Ursula is fighting because she wants to save the world isn't she a hero? I'm her companion.. then.. Am I consider as a hero too?
I'm not saying that I also fight to save the world okay? I'm fighting because of my fucking life! If this world destroy then I'm a goner and also I owe Ursula for saving my life so let's go in a flow for now.

"As I thought I'm not alone for liking human things. I have a lot of collection do you want to come to my basement?"

I nod*

Isn't she too open and not put any guard at all? A grown up man..I mean gay.. coming to a girls private room? Isn't she scared that I might do something funny?
Since she's interested in human things might as well take a peek. Who knows maybe I find something to theft there. It's not my fault if she lost one or two okay? It's my hand fault for taking something that not to be taken. And also it's not my fault because she openly invite me. I want to refuse but she insisted me to come. 
(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞

(He didn't force to come at all)

Anyway it's not my fault okay? We don't have a problem here right?
Okay? Okay? Okay.

Now I follow her lead and our direction is to her basement.    (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

(Sfx: swimming)


Meanwhile somewhere in the death sea..

I thought Capricorn love to swim in the death sea but I can't find his presence at all.

I look at my cellphone and take a look at my wallpaper.

It's a picture of me and my best friend Capricorn. Were close enough to make an exchange name. I name him silver because of his hair and he named me Driver because he said that I always make something extraordinary like making spaceship, nuclear bomb, and his favourite giant screw driver.
I only made it just for fun but unexpectedly he likes it and  he even put his blessing there.
My weapon is gun and bomb but this giant screw driver with his blessing turn out to be strong. Strong enough that it can't be break no matter how hard I try to break it.
Leo, one of the heavenly stars laugh at me. But I don't care as long as the weapon is strong right? Why make a fuss. Holding the tip of the giant screw driver it's looks like I'm holding a giant baseball bat
It's already been hundred years since we depart on our own way because of some circumstances. Since I finished my own work here I want us to be reunited again.

I miss his silver hair and sapphire blue eyes and his masculine body with six packs abs. I want to know what his secret why his body built is like that. He only said that eat a lot of meat.
And I actually eat a lot of meat but my body didn't grow at all I look like a normal highschool boy with a little bit of masculinity. But I want to be masculine like him. So this time I will make sure to find him and make him spout his secrets FUFU.

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now