{House Clayden}

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The House of Cayden was the fifth house that presided over the remote Village in Romania, amongst this family, were four others, Moreau, Beneviento, Dimestrescu, and Heisenberg

The five houses joined together as pillars of the community, with the fifth acting as their sole protector, from invaders and such over the years, the saviours of the Great War so many years ago. It was a harmonic state for the village and for centuries it remained like that, all until she appeared, claiming herself a prophet from her divine "Black God" as she came into the village, healing those with ailments as a way of gaining the trust of those around her until eventually, everyone worshipped her as a god, a saviour, they needed that.

The people had just been under the harsh hand of the Spanish flu, so any form of hope would have them worshipping a cult-like state, which is exactly what happened. They began to call her "Mother Miranda." The maternal name made the house of Claydon sick. They had been the sworn protectors, and now they were being pushed aside for someone who had just arrived.

Upon gaining ultimate power over the village, Miranda gave the Houses a duty to ensure the village and its population thrived, the population took a hard hit after the virus and Miranda seemed to be alarmingly concerned about getting it back up again, aiding the number of people by making sure anyone who was sick as mentioned before.
The truth behind her motives turned out to be much more sinister, as she started taking people to be experimented on by what she called the "Cadou" a parasite with the ability to assimilate the DNA of its host, many of the trials were, unsuccessful, the failed hosts either ended up deceased or turning into something that some would consider a fate worse than death, the locals called them 'Lycans' an abbreviation of the word Lycanthrope meaning 'Werewolf'.

Eventually, the trials started becoming more successful. Miraculously, descendants of each house were strong enough to withstand the Cadou and Mirandas experiment, each presenting inhuman powers as a result.

Lady Alcina Dimestrescu, a woman already cursed with a hereditary blood disease, took rather strongly to the Cadou, her body growing to a tremendous height as well as having nails that extend themselves into claws, terrifying I know. Alcina worked closely with Miranda, she was deemed an unfit vessel for Mirandas' deceased child, who was taken in the pandemic, in their work together they used the Cadou successfully on three young women, who Alcina took in as her daughters and raised them in her Castle.

Donna Beneviento, a passionate Doll maker living on the mountainside of the village, a quiet and isolated woman from a young age, her insecurity to be seen by other people stems from a scar across her eye, which she wore a black veil to conceal. The silent woman found another way to communicate by talking through her doll 'Angie' in the form of ventriloquism. The only physical effect the Cadou had on her was more damage to the scar, inflaming it to a grotesque state. Ability-wise, her talent for dollmaking...enhanced, the infection giving her the ability to bring the dolls to life, her precious Angie became something with a conscious, remaining Donna's main form of communication

Salvatore Moreau, the last of his family, is living in the reservoir near the fishing part of the village. He got the worst of Cadou. Like Lady Dimestrescu his whole body was affected, but not in an appealing way, his body was hunched over and his flesh like a rotten fish, he had no respect from the other Lords, they found his constant grovelling to Mother Miranda pathetic. It seemed as if his whole miserable life was to be Mirandas' favourite and to be better than the rest of his 'siblings', he tried this by following Mirandas' wishes blindly yet obediently to find a vessel, he experimented on countless innocents, just like his beloved 'mother'. Moreau was Mirandas' least favourite, purely down to the fact he was the most unfit vessel for her precious Eva.

Karl Heisenberg, the Cadous effect on the man was mainly internal, giving him electric organs similar to an electric ray that allowed him to control magnetic fields and move metallic objects. His physical form remained the same, as did his mental state, not resorting to isolation because of his mutation like Donna. For this, he was a very favourable candidate, but alas, not good enough for Mirandas' daughter. He resides in his factory which is located within the mountain range, and Claydon Castle resides in the forest that splits him and the Beneviento Manor. An ill-tempered man some might describe him as, often clashing with his siblings, finding their devotions foolish, but he kept that to himself so as not to cause deathly action from Mother Miranda Though he kept to himself and didn't have similar physical mutations that scared the villagers, they still scurried whenever he was near, his sheer presence striking fear into people, as well as that hammer that never left his side.

Elizabeth Claydon, the last descendent of the Claydon family, is the protector of the village. No visible mutations from the Cadou, although her abilities were certainly ones to marvel at, her mental state was somewhat affected by the experimentation, her mood swings becoming something of a key thing in the villagers' lives. Her mood was affected the weather to put it shortly, but not only that, she did have the ability to control it, but it was difficult at first due to her constant anxiety. Luckily she found a way to control herself and her emotions, through hunting, as her ancestors did before her to protect people, she hunted food for the villagers, making her the most favourable lord, but that didn't mean she wasn't feared, the bow on her back and the constant chill she brought with her anywhere she went naturally made people weary of her. Her inability to control was what made Miranda exclude her from being a candidate, but that didn't mean she was useless, she still allowed her to be a protector to some extent, using her other ability to keep the Lycans away from the Villagers, she knew Heisenberg had control over them, but mainly when needing them for violent activities, he struggled to keep them all on a lead, which is what she was for.

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