{Returning Home}

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The night continued until eventually, Alcina announced that it was time to leave and thanked everyone for joining her and her daughters for the evening.

Once Elizabeth and Patrice had everyone accounted for, especially the women, making sure non of them had suspiciously disappeared into the castle.

"Patrice please take my heels I think I'll break an ankle if I walk anymore." Rubbing the bridge of her nose Elizabeth began to step foot into the carriage when a voice came from near the front of the carriage.

"Hold your fuckin horses dickhead!"
It was him, he was in front of her entourage, she could hear him.
She stepped down from the steps leading into the carriage and turned her attention elsewhere.

He was sitting on what looked to be, a large horse made out of metal, you could see the cogs and bolts it was truly a work of art.

"Are you copying me getting a horse now?"

Upon hearing her voice Heisenberg looked towards her direction, she had a rather frustrated look on her face and her arms were folded tightly as she approached him, until she eventually stopped in front of him and his steed.

"There you are, about time, I thought you had left."

"I didn't realise I was required my Lord" Elizabeth snapped in a sarcastic tone.

"I wanted to speak to you," Karl said trying to ignore the fact she was clearly pissed off at him.

"Oh, you wanted to speak to me? Visiting hours are over." And with that she turned on her heel and walked away back to her carriage, ushering Patrice into it as well so they could leave as soon as possible.
Heisenberg moved out of the way as the row of carriages started to set off back to Castle Claydon, Elizabeth met his eyes for a brief moment as she passed him but she turned her eyes forward, forgetting about him and turning her attention to the safety of her people, as she raised her hand and once again made sure there was no Lycans in their path.

"I saw how you two danced tonight." Patrice said boldly, the lady sighed in response simply stating "that it was just a dance nothing more."

"That's not what it looked like my lady." Patrice looked at Elizabeth with a soft expression, she knew exactly what romance looked like, and she knew that Elizabeth has never looked at anyone the way she did that Lord, who, speaking off, was following the carriages on his steed.


Something had compelled Heisenberg to follow Elizabeth, he had to see her, to speak to her, she was the only thing on his mind and it was a strange sensation he hadn't had before.

And Karl wasn't a man to let things fester, the Lord was direct and that's why he continued to follow the carriages
on his metal horse, a few of Elizabeth's servants had noticed the man following them and panicked at first but once they saw who it was they relaxed, not too much though, there was a reason that the Lords were so feared and Lord Heisenberg's reputation was ruthless.

It was another twenty minutes or so until the carriages started slowing down, the castle coming into view. There was no need to pull any reigns to slow the mechanical beast down, he simply willed it to slow its pace and it did, the perks of controlling metal eh?
He came to a full halt as the group entered the gates, last time he entered without an invitation she shot an arrow at him, and Karl knew she didn't have her weapons and he didn't want to be blown away but a hurricane.

Elizabeth stepped out of the carriage, and a fluffy shawl was put around her shoulders by a smaller more older woman, Karl watched as she gracefully descended the steps of the carriage and held it near the hem of the dress so it didn't get any dirt on it from the ground.

The old woman Karl had seen earlier turned around and spotted him at the gates, not taking her eyes off him, he saw her say something and Elizabeth instantly turned around to see the man. Heisenberg gulped slightly and hopped down off of the horse not taking his eyes off her.
Elizabeth said something to the old lady and she nodded, walking off with the rest of the servants into the house.


Elizabeth couldn't believe what she was witnessing right now, this man had followed her home on horseback and was now standing at her gates, waiting for her. She walked towards him, the sounds of her heels clicking against the cobbled pathway of the grounds.

"What can I do for you, Heisenberg?" She asked him, standing only a few yards from him.

"I had to see you." That was all he said.

"But why-"

"Listen I don't know why." He cut her off, frustration filling his tone, " all I know is that you're the only thing that's making sense to me recently and I don't fuckin know how to deal with it."


"I know it's weird but all I know is that things seem to be a whole lot better when I'm with you." This confession from Heisenberg was something quite unorthodox, but that didn't throw Elizabeth off, she began walking towards the man, her heart thumping in her chest as she approached him.

"What are you-" she shushed him, reaching her hands up and placing them on his glasses, he didn't stop her as she took them off, folding them and placing them in one hand as the other went around the back of his neck.
Instinctively his hand went to her waist once more, pulling her closer, this time there was no one to interrupt them, no one to see them as their faces came closer and closer, until there was no space between them.

The kiss was soft yet passionate, as Elizabeth's fingers moved from his neck to his hair, letting it run between her fingers as she kissed him deeper, feeling the grip on her waist tighten and his other hand move towards her face, holding her cheek.

Shortly after they pulled away, breathing deeply as they rested against each other's foreheads.

And that was the beginning of something, unnatural, yet beautiful.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now