{A Wedding}

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"I don't know if I can do this Chris."

Elizabeth looked to the man she was linking with, a set of wooden double doors separating them from the rest of the church, it was the same church where they held Patrices' funeral, should she of lived to this day she would have been the one walking Elizabeth down the aisle.

The woman in white looked a vision and Chris gave a small smile to the woman, "All the shit you've been through and this is what's scaring you?".

She rolled her eyes at the man, "I'm just scared that something will go wrong, I didn't believe I'd ever get my happily ever after." Chris understood her worry, bad things had happened at every turn for the woman, but Karl was the exception, he knew that that man was the centre of Elizabeth's universe. Chris refused to let anything threaten Elizabeth anymore, he thought of her as a younger sister, Claire agreed with him, the two making a sisterly bond as soon as they met, Claire couldn't wait to meet the woman who controlled the weather when Chris told her about Elizabeth.

"You're getting your happily ever after Elizabeth." She turned and smiled at the man. "Now fuckin smile." He instructed causing her to laugh out loud.

"Go?" A tiny voice was heard and the pair looked down to see a 1-and-a-half-year-old Rosemary Winters with a basket of Rose petals in her hands.

"Yes Hunny we're going soon" Elizabeth cooed at the toddler causing her to smile and enter the building, Chris holding the door for the small child. They heard the wedding music and made their way into the church, everyone they knew was there; Mia, Claire, Leon, everyone that survived the village, Elizabeth could've sworn she saw Eli standing with everyone but when she did a double take she realised that it wasn't him.

The music filled her ears as she put one foot after the other, the feeling of her dress trailing behind her as she made her way to the alter, a bouquet of red roses in black lace was clutched in her free hand, a tribute to her late nieces.
Karl stood at the altar, she adored him in a suit, she was taken back to when she first saw him in a suit.

"Well, I see you decided to wash that mud off Claydon." Heisenberg retorted.

"I see you crawled out of that Factory Heisenberg" Elizabeth snapped back.

The memory played fondly in her mind, she knew from that moment that he was the one for her, witty, smart, charming, cunning and unafraid to do whatever was necessary. He was her soul mate, and she was his.
Rosemary's petal throwing was accompanied by small laughter and "Aws" as she covered the aisle and went to sit with her mother.

Chris walked Elizabeth to the end of the aisle and the pair exchanged a quick kiss on the cheek to each other before she ascended the last few steps to the alter, and finally stood before her fiancé again.

"I believe you both have written your own vows?" The priest looked between the two and they nodded. "Miss Claydon if you would like to go first."

"Of course." she smiled before reciting her vows.

"I wish I could relieve all the moments we have spent together over the past 100 and odd years that we have known each other, just so I could fall in love with you all over again, but I realise now, I fall in love with you again every single time I look at you. I think what I love most about our partnership is that it wasn't love at first sight, it was a period of friendship and a building of trust until we started to admit our feelings to each other, and I am thankful every day that you said yes when I asked you to marry me, and I'm praying today I can get you to say I do." A chorus of laughter was accompanied by cheers and tears being shed. "We have been through hell and back, we have done unforgivable things, but we did it to survive and we have survived, and now we can finally be happy, we aren't perfect people, but all I think of when I look at you is perfection in the most imperfect way." She raised her hand caressing his face and he nuzzled into it.

Karl was trying to hold back his tears as he placed her hands in his and did a little cough before saying his vows.

"Elizabeth Claydon, you are by far the most magnificent creature I have ever seen, from your bravery to your ability to put up with me, you're a package deal. I'm not good with words, and I won't claim to be, but believe me, when I say, I did not believe that I would ever find what we have, I thought the infection that is inside us would resort us all to live alone and do the bidding of a deranged cult leader, but you proved me wrong. I have loved you since the moment you turned up at my factory covered in cuts and blood, I didn't know I loved you then but I know now that's when I fell in love with you. You have endured the same loss as I, we both lost our families, but I am so glad we are about to make a new one."

With those final words he placed a hand on her stomach and the crowd went wild, a pregnancy announcement and a wedding? They were getting spoilt.

"I now pronounce you Man and Wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Karl wasted no time in grabbing Elizabeth and dipping her into a loving kiss, it truly was the most magical moment of their lives, he raised her back up after they kissed and then turned to their wedding party and smiled.
Elizabeth's eyes drifted to the back rows of the church which we empty, and her eyes began to water as she saw her parents, Eli, and Patrice all sitting there clapping. She waved at them and they waved back, filling her heart with love for her deceased family.
She then turned to Karl but to her surprise, he was looking in the same spot she was and she knew he was seeing his family too.

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