{3 years later}

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Heisenberg was already up and making breakfast when the phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered, spatula in hand.

"Ah Heisenberg, is Elizabeth around?" The voice of Miranda came through the phone and his grip on the phone tightened. "No, she's asleep right now." He asked teeth grit together.

"Oh, well when she's awake please tell her I need to see her in my lab urgently."

"Yes, Mother Miranda." And with that the call ended, Karl let out a sigh and went back to making breakfast, he figured she needed a good meal before she had to go deal with whatever it is Miranda wanted. He cooked what was referred to as 'A full English' he knew his fiance loved a big breakfast in the morning, so he never failed to make her one when she was round.

Karl softly knocked on the bedroom door of his Chambers as he opened it, the sound of the knocking made Elizabeth stir but she didn't wake up.
He slowly sat down on the bed, breakfast tray in hand, the weight of him on the bed was enough to wake Elizabeth up, she opened her eyes slowly to see her lover sitting there with what had to be the most good-looking breakfast she had ever seen, the smell of it made her stomach grumble.

"Have I ever told you how much I loved you?" She thanked him in her croaky morning voice as she sat up and took the tray off of him, immediately digging in.

"I don't think you have," Karl smirked and Lizzie rolled her eyes at him as she continued to eat, it didn't take her long to finish it and she let out a long need burp at the end of it. "That was divine." She praised before laying back, hands on her stomach as she caressed her food baby.

"You had a call this morning." Karl began causing Elizabeth's ears to perk up.

"Oh was it Patrice again? I swear that woman never stops worrying-"

"-It was Miranda"

The air grew cold at the mention of the woman and Elizabeth snuggled back down into the sheets annoyed.

"What did she want?" She asked harshly.

"She wants to see you at her lab, as soon as possible." The lab brought no pleasant memories back for any of the Lords, that was where they were mutated and tortured until the Cadou took its effect on them, turning them into what they are today.

"Then I guess I better go see what the Bitch wants."


The whole walk to Miranda's lab was tiresome, to say the least, it was underground meaning she had to take a lot of twists and turns in the tunnels below the village to get there. Sebastian died about 2 years ago, living to the ripe old age of 31, she refused to take on another horse, instead opting to walk everywhere.

Soon enough she came to the lab, passing the large figure of the Megamycite along the way, the fact it was shaped like a fetus did sometimes disturb her. The familiar sense of it knocked Elizabeth sick, she saw the cells where she and Eli were kept apart from each other, she saw the very cell Eli died in while she was next door and could nothing about it as she heard her brothers tortured screams as the Cadou took a deathly effect and brought his short life to an end...

"My daughter." Miranda greeted upon hearing the woman enter her premises, she opened her arms for an embrace which Elizabeth reluctantly accepted.
"Why am I here?" The woman asked pulling away.

"Because my child, I have a special task for you and I trust only you to complete it, remember 'The connections" I mentioned a few years ago, those idiots that failed to bring me Eva back?"

"I do" she confirmed.

"Well, they have informed me that a woman that was infected by the mould has had a child and has moved not too far from here as part of a protection programme for them. The woman's name is Mia, I know her from my days working with the Connections, a sweet woman, she was assigned to Eveline."

Elizabeth listened and the question she had floating around in her mind right now was, what did any of this have to do with her? There was a new vessel for Eva, her having a child was no longer a necessity for Miranda, so why was she here?

"Your job is to infiltrate the Winters' home, befriend them, and when the time is right, the baby will be mine."

So that's what the angle was, she wanted to use the fact that Elizabeth had a human form to take part in her scheme to steal a child, how pathetic.

"Of course Miranda, when do I begin?"

"Immediately, there is a house not too far from their own, I intend for you to live there for the next few months while I finish my plan for bringing my dearest Eva back."

"And what happens after that?" Elizabeth questioned the woman, what was her plan after she got what she wanted.

"Well, I will be happy and live here for the remainder of my life with Eva." Her tone was off and Elizabeth didn't like it.

"I meant about us Miranda, your Lords." She clarified.

"Well, you will attend to your duties to the village like you always have."

Elizabeth didn't trust a word that came out of that woman's mouth, there was something bigger going on, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Miranda continued to inform her where the house was, supplying her with a map, she said that everything she would need to appear 'normal' would be in the house and to pack what she needed and go there as soon as possible, along with the map was images of what Mia and her child looked like so she would recognise them, she was a pretty woman, with long brown hair and a soft face, it almost made it hard for her to complete the task but Elizabeth knew she had no choice but to obey Miranda for the time being, Heisenberg's army was almost complete and once it was finished, and only then, would they attack.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now