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The factory was anything but quiet, loud noises from his Machinery echoed everywhere, if she had to guess, she'd say that all of the floors were in full thrust in order to finish the army, the sheer size of the underneath of that factory shocked Elizabeth when she first got the tour of it, from the large machinery to the mindless corpses that worked in the mineshafts.

As she came closer to her lovers' main workshop, Elizabeth heard the sound of one of her records playing, she smiled to herself before opening the door, he didn't notice her, caught up in what he was doing on the table, and deafened by everything around him.

Elizabeth coughed loudly to get his attention, the sudden sound made Karl turn his head quickly to see who had entered his demeanour harsh and intimidating until his face softened when he realised who it was.

"Oh, my god..."

She hadn't changed a bit to him, sure her clothes were different and he could've sworn she had gotten more breathtaking, but it was the same old Elizabeth, his Elizabeth.

"Kiss me like you miss me metal head." The woman chuckled and opened her arms to the man, he rose from his chair and stepped towards her, swiftly picking her up and holding her thighs as she rested her legs on his hips, her arms wrapped around his neck as she played with his hair.
The two shared a passionate and long overdue moment, the distance between them had been too far and it had been too long since they had last seen each other.

"Miss me buttercup?" Karl asked with a smirk, Elizabeth rolled her eyes giving a quick response "You missed me more."

Karl set her down on the ground and kissed her forehead lovingly. "How have you been?"

Elizabeth took a deep breath before answering, "I've been great, the Winters were great but just then a man grabbed me and put me in a van his name was Chris Redfield he said he knew you, he's there to kill Miranda but I don't think its gonna work so we really need to get the hell out of here before Miranda-"

The woman's rant was cut off by the sound of the telephone ringing, they turned slowly to face the phone, the flashing light continuous as they refused to answer. Karl eventually gave in and walked over to the device, picking it up and holding it to his ear.

"Heisenberg." He stated.

"My child, is Elizabeth with you by any chance?" Elizabeth froze as her name came out of Miranda's mouth, her eyes told Karl to say no but he knew if Miranda caught him out on a lie the consequences wouldn't be pretty, he held the phone out and Elizabeth reluctantly took it.

"Mother Miranda how pleasant to hear from you." Elizabeth greeted.

"My daughter you have done so well." She praised "you and Heisenberg must come to the cathedral at once I have wonderful news." If Elizabeth was honest she'd say this was the first time she'd ever heard Miranda genuinely happy and that meant only one thing, she had Rose.

"Of course Miranda we'll be right there." Miranda hummed and then asked her to hand the phone back to Karl which was rather odd, the man took the phone and held it away from his ear so Elizabeth could hear more clearly what she was saying.

"Heisenberg, let the Lycans loose, there is no use for the villagers anymore."

She couldn't mean that surely she couldn't, but it was Miranda after all, she was a twisted being. The pairs eyes met, they were wide with shock and Karl could barely muster out "Yes Mother Miranda"

And with that Elizabeth pressed the telephone, hanging up, she turned to Heisenberg, tears starting to form in her eyes, he engulfed her in a hug letting her cry silently into his trench coat.

"She's got the baby." She kept repeating as she buried herself further into his shoulder, she loved that child and her parents too much to let anything happen to them, she won't let Rose be taken away from her family just like she and the rest of the Lords had, she deserved something better.

Karl pulled her off of him and held her by her shoulders making her look at him as he told her "Nothing is going to happen that kid, understand?"
Elizabeth nodded and wiped her tears away. "And what about the Villagers?"

Karl looked defeated as he answered her question, "We have to my love."

Elizabeth shook her head, she couldn't allow them all to die, "I'll keep them away from my castle, I'm going to call Patrice and let her know to stay inside and make sure everyone has their things packed, that Redfield is taking my people too."


It broke Elizabeth's heart to see the Village the way it was now, fires were breaking out, crashed wagons and cars littered the streets, trees had fallen and the worst thing...the bodies.
The two Lords tried to keep their heads high as Lycans tore people apart in the streets and ripped them from their homes, if you'd asked Karl to do this around 30 years ago he probably would've, but because of Elizabeth he had interacted with the Villagers, being more than just a menacing presence whenever he came into town, He stood with Elizabeth as she shopped for things and even got a few parts for his machines there, at those times he didn't feel like this powerful Lord who strikes fear into the heart of people, he felt like a man.


The sound of a young child's cry entered the pairs ears, Elizabeth took no time in running towards the sound, when she arrived she found a young boy, only around twelve, crushed under some debris from his house, she rushed to him and started shoving the debris off of him, careful not to hurt him.

Karl was a little far behind but when he got there he was quick to notice two bodies crushed under the house, the child's parents. Elizabeth was too focused on the boy to notice the Lycans which had begun to encircle them.

"Elizabeth..." Karl's voice warned and she lifted her head to see the beasts, she raised her hand to control them but it didn't work. One of them got too close and ended up with Karl's hammer driving right through its skull.

"Thank you, thank you." The boy praised as he held onto Elizabeth tightly, she hugged the boy back before pulling away and telling him to get to Claydon Castle as fast as he could and that he would be safe there, she watched as he ran making sure nothing was in his path.

"Karl, why didn't my powers work?" She turned to him, a look of worry etched on her face.

"Sometimes their blood lust is too powerful to control." He shrugged.

"Well make sure he gets out of the Village safe, I'm going to Miranda."
And with that, the pair parted.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now