{Another Meeting}

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"My children." Mother Miranda greeted the five Lords as they all stood in the Cathedral.

"I was recently approached by a group named 'The connections' They spoke to me about the Megamycite and said that they were going to experiment with the mould in an attempt to help me create a vessel for Eva."

"Congratulations Mother Miranda." Alcina began to applaud but Miranda cut her off quickly.

"There is no need for celebration Alcina, you see, while I was away we were able to create something but not a suitable vessel, her name was Eveline, but she had an obsession of having her own family that made her an unsuitable vessel...so I am still without my Eva."

Elizabeth remembered when Miranda called her letting her know that she was going to be absent but she could never of guessed this would be the reason, consulting with human operations outside of the village. She looked at Heisenberg, her expression saying everything.

"My apologies Mother Miranda." Alcina bowed her head.

"All of our apologies Mother, you, more than anyone deserves your family back." Elizabeth piped up, her voice laced with sincerity, but Heisenberg knew she was just one hell of an actress.

"Thank you Elizabeth my dearest, I had hoped you or your brother would've been my vessels." Elizabeth froze slightly as Miranda walked towards her and caressed her face. "You were so close to being perfect."

Elizabeth didn't think she could hate the woman more, but the mention of her brother tipped her over the edge, she bit her tongue as she nodded and smiled at the bitch before her.

"Oh, and Elizabeth, over these years I have noticed you and Lord Heisenberg over there getting incredibly close."

Before Elizabeth could try and deny it Heisenberg stood from his seat, hammer in hand. "We have indeed Miranda but please don't think that this will distract us from serving you-"

"Silence!" Miranda cut him off.

"I approve...and maybe a child composed of the two of you will be the perfect vessel for my Eva."

How dare she, using his and Elizabeth's relationship as another way to try and find a vessel for her 100-year-old dead child, but he could say nothing, all he did was nod his head in agreement as he held his hand out, Elizabeth walking down the few steps towards him and taking his hand before the pair sat down next to each other.

The rest of the Lords congratulated them and said sweet things about how good of a pair they were, but Elizabeth's and Karl's mind were elsewhere because from that moment they knew, they couldn't risk having a child.


"Can you believe her!" Elizabeth's voice rang out in the factory as she entered, Heisenberg watched as a small thundercloud appeared over her head and he couldn't help but laugh quietly, it was rare she conjured up a small storm cloud but when she did he found it hilarious.

Elizabeth turned around to see what he was looking at and when she saw his face she knew, she looked up angrily at the storm cloud and smacked it away with her hand, making it dissipate into thin air.

"Calm down buttercup, It won't be long till we take that bitch down." Karl approached her with his rather soothing statement and hugged Elizabeth from behind, letting his chin rest in the crook of her neck as he nuzzled into her, she reached and placed a hand on his head playing with his messy hair as she calmed down.

"Having kids always scared me but now, she isn't even giving me a choice to have them, because I can't risk them being taken away from us..." her voice was filled with nothing but pain, Heisenberg was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her fucked up life with, but now she couldn't even give him a child for fear of Miranda.

"Give me a few more years and the army will be ready my Liebling. And we will be able to leave this place for good okay?"

Elizabeth nodded, she and Karl had had numerous talks about where they were going, Lizzie always suggested the United States as there was something there called 'Disney World' and the Disney logo was on several VHS tapes that Elizabeth was given by Duke when she asked for things from the modern world.

"I'm starving, fancy cooking something up for us? It's your turn after all." Elizabeth chuckled and rolled her eyes at the man, he adored her cooking, it wasn't even her night to cook but she couldn't argue with him.

"What do you fancy?" She asked making her way into the kitchen.

"Ooo is that Venison you got the other day still good?" Karl followed her and sat himself on top of the kitchen table, watching his beloved as she looked in the cupboards and refrigerator.

"Yeah it should be, how about that with some potatoes?"

Heisenberg grabbed his fedora and placed it over his heart dramatically, "Where would I be without you?" He cried out causing Lizzie to snort out in laughter, she loved how theatrical he acted, it was his charm. She got to cooking all the while Karl sat there and watched her intently, admiring everything that she did, and how she hummed along to the record that was playing in the background, some man named "Elvis" was singing.

An upbeat tune started playing and Elizabeth turned around quickly to the man, a wooden spoon in hand as she began to lipsync to the song, it was something about a jailhouse, but Karl wasn't all concerned with the lyrics, only by how happy her face was.
Lizzie grabbed his hands and pulled him off the table making him dance with her for the remainder of the song, their laughter filling the room as they danced about like lunatics to the song, as it ended the pair didn't stop laughing and embraced each other, calming down.

A beat of silence.

"Karl...Will you marry me?"

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