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"Miss Claydon?"

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"Miss Claydon?"

A voice was pulling Elizabeth out of her sleep, her eyelids fluttered open and she saw the face of the doctor hovering over her, a light in his hand flashing it at her eyes. She squinted.
"Pupils are constricting fine," he commented and turned the light off, putting it into his jacket pocket, Elizabeth sat up and realised that all of her restraints, bar the collar, had been taken off of her, she turned to the doctor to ask why but he just nodded towards the open door, where guard was waiting for her, all clad in black armour and holding a heavily loaded weapon in his arms.

"Oh?" She said softly and got up from the bed, she was in a hospital gown now, no longer in her bloody attire, and to add to that, it seemed all of her wounds had been cleaned up and stitched, thank god she was put under because her body would off felt the full pan of the injuries now that she had that collar putting her powers off.
The soldier let her exit the room before following out after her, she just walked, she looked behind her every so often at the soldier but with the mask on she was unable to see their face.
At the end of the rather long and winding hallway was a double steel door, a key card was needed to open it and by the looks of things, this guard didn't have one.
She saw their face look up to the top of the door, she followed and saw a small camera there, the camera analysed them before making a beeping sound. The doors opened slowly, revealing a large black room with a singular spot line in the middle of it, Elizabeth felt something cold on her back as the gun was shoved lightly into her, making her move forward, she continued into the room until she reached the light.

That's when the doors shut.

Static was heard as a microphone was activated and a woman's voice filled the room.

"Miss Claydon" she addressed "my name is Alice, I'm one of the lead researchers at the facility."


"So, that means that myself and my team have been instructed to view your 'ability' to its fullest extent."
Elizabeth looked up at the group, they were a good few feet off the floor, behind some glass, that had the intention of protecting them from Elizabeth.

"You want me to reach my full mutation? No can do ma'am I haven't transformed in decades." It was true, Elizabeth had only gone to her full form once and that was in the presence of Miranda, she never did it since.

"We have already seen your counterparts form." A projection came on the wall, it was footage of their final battle with Miranda, Elizabeth saw herself wounded on the floor while Karl fought for her.
"And if you want to get out of here, you will do as we ask." Elizabeth groaned throwing her arms in frustration as she looked at the scientists.

"I don't think you get how this works, I can't just flip it like a switch."

A soft hum came from the woman on the speaker, and that was followed by another projection on the wall. It was Karl. "Maybe this will change your mind."

It was a video of him on a hospital bed, just like she was, screaming and thrashing about as more restraints were added to him, they were injecting him and taking blood samples from it, Elizabeths' eyes watched in horror as the man she loved was defenceless to these people.

And that was enough to make her snap.

She heard a buzz come from the collar, it had been deactivated, they wanted her to snap, and by god they were going to get what they wanted now they had hurt Karl.

A crack came from the woman's spine, followed by a shrill shriek as her bones started to break and reform themselves into a different shape, her legs and arms growing long. Wings produced themselves from her back, sharp talons attached at their tip, the hospital gown incinerated itself and a piece of long blue material became the sole coverage that Elizabeth had, the rest of her skin was exposed, and speaking of her skin, the colour turned a shade of dark grey.
"Fuck you!"
She screamed as horns came growing out of her skull, the pain was unbearable as her body transformed. Along her shoulders and breasts formed an armour-like material, the rest of her body bare.

Her audience watched in admiration as the woman they saw completely reconstruct herself into a completely different being.

"Remarkable," Alice muttered as she observed the transformation.

Elizabeth collapsed to the floor on her knees, breathing heavily as she adjusted to her form, it had been a long time since she had been like this, but that didn't mean she didn't still have the hang of it. She flew up slowly into the air, right in front of the window, she saw all of their mouths ajar in shock, now they were going to get what was coming to them, the woman flew straight to the window and started smashing it with her fists, screams of anger accompanying it. At first, the glass was undamaged, but that quickly changed as Elizabeth flew back and forth slamming herself into it, she didn't feel the pain, the glass was reinforced heavily but even that could stop the monster's rage, the glass started cracking, panic swept over the group and they started to make their way to the exit. Alice didn't move, instead, she pushed one of the many buttons in front of her, and just as Elizabeth was about to break through the glass, a gas was released into the room and she heard the collar be activated again.

She started to cough as the gas filled her lungs and she floated slowly to the ground, her lungs burned as she inhaled the substance. She stood there choking, her original form coming into view, once she fully reverted to her normal sense, the ventilation system kicked in, removing the gas from the atmosphere of the room, leaving Elizabeth coughing out the remnants.

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