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The ride to the factory was mostly silent, with the odd word here and there but considering the two hadn't spent a lot of time together there wasn't much to be said.

"Are you excited about the triplet's birthday?" Elizabeth asked in a futile attempt at conversation. She turned her head back to try and see if her comment had sparked conversation, he had his arms around her waist for crying out loud, the least he could do was try and make the ride less boring.
"It's just another excuse for the super-sized bitch to try and prove she's above us in her big ass castle."

Finally, he spoke.

"Well, I have a castle as well." Elizabeth pointed out, granted it wasn't as enormous or as grand as Castle Dimestrescu, but Claydon Castle had its charm about it, its atmosphere a bit lighter and less gothic.
Heisenberg tilted his head to the side a bit showing that it was a good point.
"-And don't you think that maybe Alcina wants to do something nice for her family? She's the only one of us that has that sort of thing when you think about it, biological or not."

It was true, though her daughters were a result of an experiment, they were proof that you could feel something beyond the rage and despair the Cadou gave you, Alcina had strong maternal instincts towards the girls, that being the reason she took them in as her own, to begin with. None of the other Lords had anyone else, each being the last remaining member of their household, it was sad of course but it was something they had gotten used to over the many years they had been alive.

"Or maybe she is just being a snob." Elizabeth eventually agreed, stifling a laugh as she turned forward again, to her satisfaction the man chuckled as well.

As they came to the bridge Sebastian came to a halt, Elizabeth tugging on his reins. "I'd love to stay for tea and biscuits but I'm afraid I can't let these goods go stale." She informed him.

Heisenberg understood and hopped off the horse.

"I'd say 'let's do this again' but I don't fancy staring at the back of your head for an entire journey again." Shuffling was heard from the cart as Heisenberg picked up his hammer, it always interested Elizabeth, she figured now they were somewhat on speaking terms she'd ask him about it sometime.

"I'm hurt." She faked a sad pouting face at the man. "I brushed my hair and everything just so you could stare at my head." the sentence was finished with a smirk as she enjoyed her sarcasm.

"Until next time." He tipped his fedora and walked towards his home.

"Come on Sebastian." Elizabeth clicked and with that, the woman and her horse disappeared into the tree line towards Claydon Castle.

The mentioning of family hadn't left Elizabeth's mind so easily, her mother was such a kind woman, but she was also immensely strong, she was a protector of the Village so her strength was admired by all, sure she may not have had the mutations that Elizabeth had, but Karine Claydon still devoted her entire being into making sure the village was well fed and safe from invaders or dangerous animals. Amongst all this admiration and thanks from the village, someone admired her so much they eventually made the move to ask to court her, that 'someone' being her father, Jasper Harris. It was almost like love at first sight...if love,, at first sight meant that Karine rejected the man more times than he could count. However, his persistence was what made Karine fall for him, and in time, the village wasn't the only thing Karine loved and cared for, she had a set of twins as a new addition to the family, and Elizabeth's parents were overjoyed with the arrival of their children and they swore never to let anything bad ever happen to them.

But sometimes, promises can't be kept, they could do nothing Miranda came to the village, winning everyone over by healing every one of the Spanish Flu, and bringing the five Lords into her circle of power to keep the village thriving, Karine was suspicious of how this woman with god-like abilities had just stumbled into this village, but she would do anything to protect her home, and her children, so she went along with it, which subsequently led to the demise of both her and her husband.
When Miranda began her experiments she initially went for the young, luring children from all five houses to her lab to be tested on with the Cadou. They all survived and even though Miranda deemed them unfit for her daughter, she still kept them alive to serve their duties as the five Lords.
The one who didn't survive, however, was Elizabeth's twin, Eli.
He was a lot like his father, his persistence showing from a young age, even if it was something over as little as making sure he got as much dessert as possible, you could still see the traits. Eli lasted a few months with the experiments but his body simply couldn't handle it, the genetics being stronger in Elizabeth as she survived and succeeded in trial after trial for Miranda. She was almost the perfect candidate, but her emotions were too strong, not good enough for her precious Eva.

Some say Karina died from the loss of Eli, and It wouldn't surprise Elizabeth, she loved her children dearly. The death of both his child and his wife left Jasper struggling, and seeing no way out he chose suicide, he saw no other reason to live if he did not have the love of his life...not realising that this would leave Elizabeth all alone, with powers she didn't understand and a tremendous hole in her heart...

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now