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"Just because the rest of this village is behind on the times doesn't mean I have to be." Heisenberg simply stated Elizabeth was somehow shocked he took an interest in things other than his endless work in the factory.

"Then I assume you're caught up to date on the theatrical side of things? Or do you prefer the classics like Swan Lake? Or is that not your style." She scoffed, the rag was useless now so the woman tossed it to the side before picking up the needle and thread, trying to desperately thread the needle, working with one hand wasn't an easy task. The Lord looked at the struggling woman and rolled his eyes, shrugging off his large trench coat and revealing a short-sleeved (rather filthy) shirt. Elizabeth looked at him confused until he stepped towards her and held out his hand.

"Gimme that." He demanded.

She complied and she watched intently as he placed the thread in his mouth, making it easier to place through the needle, it was like watching a painter the way his hands moved to seal the knot, it wasn't the harsh movements that she expected, they were a lot softer. Elizabeth tried to avert her eyes from the man's body, she wasn't surprised that he had a bit of muscle to him all the time he spent working.


Swirling herself around, Elizabeth offered the man her arm, a warm sensation started to tingle down it as he held it with one arm and began to sew up the wound with the other.
"Sorry this is a pain in the ass but I didn't want it to get infected." She apologised.

"You don't heal as fast as the rest of us huh?" He concluded, continuing with his sewing as he spoke, Elizabeth didn't say anything, just simply shook her head and watched the man, it hurt of course, the sounds of low thunder confirmed that but her expression didn't falter, too consumed by her focus on the man.

"What did you do with them?" She quizzed. Heisenberg's eyes rose from her arm to meet hers for a second before going back down to finish his work.

"With whom?" He asked cluelessly

A scoff came from her lips, but that was quickly replaced with a sharp hiss as she felt Heisenberg finish her stitches, biting off the remaining string and sealing it.

"With my dead family members." Elizabeth breathed out, still dealing with the pain she endured just moments ago. There was no response from the man, he just simply cleaned up the first aid kit and threw the blood-soaked rag into the nearby sink, she knew he was building something and from their last encounter she figured it was an army, so the question at hand, was he using dead bodies to build his army?

"I know you're building an army, we've discussed this."

A grunt came from the man.

"Are you using dead bodies for it?."

That's what made him snap, the constant questioning from her, no one questioned his actions, yet here she was, pestering and pestering.
He whipped his head round to face her and Elizabeth already knew it was going to turn into a screaming match, She rose from her chair quickly meeting in the middle of the room to meet a very angry Heisenberg.

"I swear to god woman if you don't fucking stop asking me questions!" His voice echoed through the room, Elizabeth wouldn't be surprised if it was heard outside the factory.

"I would if you would start answering them! Why won't you trust me? I've already shown I have no loyalty to Miranda!" She was harsh with her words, but under them, there was a hint of pleading, Elizabeth had no connection to the other Lords let alone Mother Miranda, he was the only one, yes he was a dramatic bastard filled with rage but in the end its just him and her who were against the wicked bitch.

He didn't respond, he backed down from their argument and went to sit on the stool previously sat on by Elizabeth.

"All these years we've been neighbours, and we've never talked this much." He chuckled, it was strange how he could switch his attitude so much. Elizabeth followed his lead in calming the situation and faced him with a soft expression.

There was a beat of silence before he spoke again.

"I use the dead because I'm sick of killing people" he began "When the Cadou experiments started I'd use live subjects like the rest of us, but after a few decades I got pretty bored of that, it started to feel a lot more wrong than it once did. So when I decided that I was gonna kill that bitch, Miranda, I wasn't gonna let innocent people suffer just so I could have an army."

Heisenberg's eyes didn't meet Elizabeth's the entire time, he was being vulnerable, something that was highly unusual for the Lord but he felt like he owed an explanation, she had many an opportunity to go run and tell Miranda what he was up to. He owed her.

"You knew my family's bodies were preserved... that's why you went for them." She concluded.

"Yeah, I didn't fancy walking into the village just so I could do some more experiments."

It made sense, you had to be stealthy about it or the people would go into a panic, Elizabeth couldn't stand the idea of her family's bodies decaying so she had Miranda preserve them all, the perks of being the favourite child.

"You're not the only one that feels guilt you know." The woman lightly shrugged her shoulders and squatted down in front of the man, from this close she could see the scars on his face, and the green from his eyes poking out from his glasses.
"My entire basement used to be a bloodbath, I didn't care, I refused to let myself care because I had nothing, but then I had someone, Patrice-my maid- I used the Cadou on her and now the poor old bat can't get any older, been stuck with her for all my life but at least she looks after me." Elizabeth's laughter brought some life into the dull atmosphere and Heisenberg looked slightly down at the woman below him, fully invested in every word she had to say.

"But, as you said, after a couple of decades you start to see the wrong of your actions, and that's when I stopped, I told Miranda my tests were just unsuccessful, even gave her a fake book of all my 'failed experiments' she trusts me implicitly so it wasn't hard to stop doing the Cadou shit, now the freaky little bastards sitting in the basement collecting dust."

It's true, right underneath Castle Claydon lay a rather disturbing dungeon, a rather negative term so Elizabeth opted to just call it 'the basement'. When Miranda instructed the five Lords to start experimenting Elizabeth wasn't against it, she got the mindset of "this is what I do now" and one by one she started taking people, people like wandering tourists around the area and people who lived alone in the village. She was strategic about it. Her only success was Patrice, the rest were Lycans, but naturally, Patrice wasn't a good vessel for Miranda so Elizabeth let her keep her role in the castle, where she continued to look after Elizabeth. The thought of her brother came back every time she experimented until it became unbearable.
That's when she stopped.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now