{The Duke}

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"Honey I'm home!"

Elizabeth trudged through the doorway, dripping wet from the rain, it seemed that the pain had become almost unbearable for her to cope with, hence the torrential rain pouring down from the sky.
Karl came almost skidding around the corridor to see his love but he stopped in his tracks as he saw how filthy she looked "What the fuck happened to you?" He asked concerned.

"4 bears, Dukes coming soon, Bath." Elizabeth couldn't even form a full sentence due to the exhausted state she was in, she dropped to her knees bow in hand as her breathing became heavy and harsh.

"Shit." Heisenberg rushed to her side, picking her up bridal style and shutting the doors with his powers, carrying her to the bathroom, he noticed the cut on her back instantly from where he could see the tears in her clothes. He hated seeing her hurt, it's the one thing that scared him, she rarely got hurt hunting, she knows what she was doing but the fact she faced four fully grown bears alone? She didn't stand a chance of not being injured, Karl knew that woman could survive anything, probably why he loved her so much.

Time was different for the pair, as they didn't die by age, they had all the time in the world, and they didn't start making things official between them until at least seven years into their romance, Elizabeth remembered how she nearly cried when Karl made a promise ring himself and gave it to her promising...

"No matter what happens, it's me and you against everything."

She loved that man in ways words couldn't describe, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Elizabeth winced in pain as Karl started removing her clothes gently, he had already turned the bath on and the sound of running water echoed in the marble room. "It hurts." She complained to the man as he continued to strip her down, making sure not to put too much pressure on anything

"I know Lizzie but we've just got to get this cleaned up okay? Then it's not gonna hurt so much." She nodded at his words, relaxing.

"Besides, the Dukes coming isn't he? And we both know he's going to have some more records for you and hopefully some first aid medicine to speed this healing up."

Much to Karls's Suprise Elizabeth started to chuckle. "I think you're gonna have some competition scar face because this," She pointed at the wound on her back "is gonna make a badass scar."

"Oh, you mean like this one on your arm." Karl laughed with her and motioned towards the scar on her arm, the same scar he stitched up himself, the fond memory of her first entering the factory and returning to him.

"Why have you got those daft sunglasses on again? Let me see your face." Elizabeth demanded, she knew he wore them to conceal his eyes and face, his mutation made his eyes extremely bright, Elizabeth put it down to all of the electricity in his body.

Reluctantly he took them off and went and placed them on the windowsill of the bathroom before returning to her.

"There's my gorgeous partner." He smiled at her words, she adored him, and would do anything for him, and those feelings were certainly reciprocated.

"Enough chatting let's get you into this bath my love." He lifted the woman up and into the bath, she yelped out but didn't dare try and move. Karl stayed with her and made sure to clean every inch of her, Lizzie didn't mind it at all, after two decades you don't really become bothered about the states your significant other sees you in, and there have been plenty occasions Karl has been covered in oil and Elizabeth has had to help scrub it off of his skin.


"You feeling better now Leibing?" Karl asked her as the two were now cuddled by the fire, numerous blankets and pillows surrounding them as they waited for the cooks to prepare them some dessert.
"Tons better," Elizabeth confirmed with a nod before snuggling into Karl's side more, he had taken care of her wounds as he always does, but he prayed the Duke would hurry up because the first aid medicine he sold would help soothe the wound before it became painful again.


Speak of the devil.

"Thanks, Patrice!" Elizabeth shouted back, she stood up wrapping a blanket around herself before she started to walk to the door, Heisenberg following close behind. The Duke sat in his carriage in the courtyard, to this day no one was quite sure what he actually was, everyone just knew him as the merchant of the village, another question was how on earth those two horses could pull his weight as well as the wagon.

"Lord and Lady Heisenberg." The Duke greeted.

"Enough of that duke we aren't even married." Elizabeth dismissed the comment.

"My apologised Lady Claydon I was merely jesting. I assumed you'd both be here so, Lord Heisenberg, I have your cigars."

"Good man." Heisenberg grabbed the cigars off the man and gave him a handful of lei.

Now the Duke was the only one who was actually aware of the twos relationship, but naturally, he would say nothing, for a price, so they paid him off so he wouldn't say anything and so far he hasn't.

"And for you my lady." The large man turned to her, and in his hands lay a wide variety of Vinyls, modern vinyls.

"Oh, you are an angel Duke." Elizabeth smiled taking the discs with joy.

Heisenberg almost forgot but he quickly asked, "Got any of that First aid shit Duke? Lizzie got pretty banged up during her hunt earlier."

"But of course, I heard about today's events, when the blood-soaked Lord Claydon waltzed into town, four bears in tow. You were quite the talk of the town my Lady." The Duke grabbed the familiar green bottle and threw it down to the woman who caught it quickly.

"On the house my lady." And with that, the Duke rolled back into his carriage and disappeared into the night.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now