{The Winters}

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"So you're leaving?" Heisenberg huffed sitting down on the bed.

"I have to, she wants me to scope out the child maybe when she has her she'll leave us alone-"



Once again the pair were in a shouting match, and it rarely occurred, but then again what couple didn't argue sometimes or have disagreements?
They recognised that this was going to get them nowhere and went to opposite sides of the room to calm down, Elizabeth to her vanity and Karl back on the bed.

"I'm sorry" Karl apologised first, "I'm sorry too." Elizabeth followed.

"What if we used the child against Miranda?" Karl suggested and Elizabeth's mouth opened in disbelief.

"Karl we are not doing that, it's an innocent baby for fuck sake." Karl put his hands up in defence, saying it was merely a suggestion. "Your army and us should be enough." Elizabeth ran her hands through her hands stressed, this was gonna be a hard few months being away from Karl, but she knew it would all be worth it in the end when they would finally be together, get married, and have a family.

"You gonna help me pack?" She asked him standing up. He looked up at her with sadness in his eyes, he knew just as well as her that these next few months weren't going to be easy for several reasons, their fight with Miranda was just over the Horizon and all they could was hope for the best.

"Yeah, do you want to pack any of my clothes to take with you?" Heisenberg smirked at his fiance holding up one of his shirts, she rolled her eyes, before she held her hands out to catch the shirt that Karl eventually threw towards her, she put it in a leather bag she grabbed from underneath the bed, and it was her overnight bag from when she first started to stay at the factory.

"Any chance I could take you with me?" Elizabeth looked up at him, tears starting to form in her eyes, he noticed and instantly walked over to her, caressing her face and kissing her forehead, a sense of relief washed over her as he did that. "I wish buttercup." He smiled softly at her before he kissed her lips briefly and helped her pack, she packed the essentials like her toothbrush and whatnot and soon enough it was time for her to leave.

"I'll call you every day okay?" Heisenberg reassured her "I don't care how far you are I'll reach you ." His words were sweet and it just reminded Elizabeth of why she fell in love with him, because of how much he cared about her.
"You better." She laughed and held her hand in his, walking towards the front doors of the Factory.

"Will you let Patrice know where I am?"

"Of course" he squeezed her hand reassuringly as he continued to walk her out into the yard, seconds later Heisnebergs metal Horse who he had lovingly named "Bolt" came bounding towards them, Bolt was a sweet horse, and Lord knows that machine cried oil when Sebastian died, the two got along extremely well, Karl often went for rides with Sebastian and Elizabeth before the horses passing.

The beasts nuzzled its snout into Elizabeth, the feeling of cold metal giving her goosebumps, she chuckled and stroked him, "keep him company while I'm gone okay?" She instructed and the horse nodded.
The pair continued walking until eventually, it was time for them to part.

"I love you."

"I know."


The House Miranda had set Elizabeth up in was quaint, it was modern of course and nothing like Elizabeth was used to at her Castle or the factory, it was a one floor house, with a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and living room, it wasn't much but it'd do for a few months like the woman said there was indeed clothes there for her already, modern clothes.

Elizabeth rummaged through the wardrobe in admiration, the village was rather Mediaeval compared to the rest of the world, sure they had the odd few cars and television and radios but it was nothing compared to the other technological advances around the world. She picked out a rather simple-looking outfit and got changed, if she had estimated it correctly the Winters' house will be at least a fifteen-twenty minute walk from where she was now, she figured now was as good time as any to head over there, and introduce herself as their new neighbours.

The nerves just built up on the way to their house, she was about to earn and betray a new family's trust, but she had to, so she could have her own family. Selfish? Yes.
But Elizabeth had no other options due to the situation.


"Ethan, can you help me unpack the cot?" Mia shouted downstairs to her husband who was already busy putting away the brown boxes that had "Kitchen" written on them in black marker.

"Coming Mia!" He shouted back and stopped what he was doing to go see to his wife, as he was walking the hallway to the stairs a knock at the door cut him off, he froze up, turning towards the door and seeing a faint figure through the stained glass, he was still on edge from the Baker House, it had been three years but that didn't make a difference.

"Who is it?" He shouted towards the door awaiting an answer.

"Hi! I'm your new neighbour!" A rather joyful voice shouted back at him through the door.
Ethan instantly relaxed and went towards the door, unlocking it, he saw a rather tall brunette woman standing there in a hoodie and some jogging pants, accompanied with some trainers.

"Hi, I'm Ethan." He introduced himself holding out his hand to shake hers, she did so quickly with a smile on her face.

"I'm Karina" She replied. "Are you just moving in as well?" She pointed towards the mountain of boxes behind Ethan.

"Yeah, we are." He said rubbing his forehead, clearly stressed from the move, the BSAA kept moving them but now they had Rose he prayed they wouldn't have to move again.
"Well do you need a hand? I'm already moved in, not much to move when you're by yourself."

Before Ethan could respond Mia came down the stairs, baby in her arms.

"Oh, my god..." 'Karina' breathed out, the baby was beautiful.

"What's her name?" The woman asked.


It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now