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Silvie and Rose sat together on the bus, they were teens now. Rose was clutching the book her mother had gifted her in her hands as well as, a bouquet of white flowers as they made their way to the graveyard, Silvie
held a bouquet of roses in hers, it was Ethans' birthday and Silvie wasn't going to let her friend go alone, besides, escaping their supervisors was a two-woman job, and by god was Chris going to be pissed.

Silvie pressed the button for the vehicle to stop and the two stepped off, thanking the driver as they did so.
It was a bit of a long walk into the field before they eventually arrived at Ethans' tombstone, it read:
Ethan Winters
A kind husband and loving father
Who put family before all else.

Silvie heard the story of Ethan Winters from her parents, and how he had helped them escape the wrath of a being named 'Mother Miranda'. She didn't dare bring it up to Rose though, she knew it would hurt her too much.

Rose placed the flowers on the grave "hey dad, happy birthday.' She greeted the stone sadly. Silvie placed her flowers down as Rosemary continued to speak, "sorry I missed last week" she apologised "I've got a lot of tests coming up you know how it is."

Silvie smiled at the girl as she spoke to her father's grave, it was a pained smile, she felt guilty that Rose's father died so hers could live.
The slam of a car door grabbed the girl's attention and Silvie huffed "talk of the goddamn devil" she spat as she turned around to face the black vehicle.

"Duty calls, I love you." Rose bid farewell to her father and the pair walked back down the hill. Rose got there first.

"We have a situation, you're both needed...Eveline." those words of greeting from the man was enough to make Rose snap as she grabbed the agent by his tie and pulled him up.
"Don't you ever call me that again." She warned.

"Whoa whoa, it's just a joke Rose." He tried defending his words but the teen was having non of it. "I can show you things that even Chris doesn't even know I can do." And with that, she threw him into the car.

Silvie could only laugh at the fear on the man's face, "You asked for that dipshit. " she snorted before following her friend into the car sitting in the back seat while Rose sat in the front.

"Those fucking Heisenbergs. " the man huffed.

The agent followed them, climbing into the driver's seat, he clearly felt bad and said in a softer tone, "You're a lot like him you know?" He referenced Ethan.

She paused before responding, "I know." And with that, the three drove off in the car.


Her parents though had searched all day and night, and at last, arrived.
With rampant rage, the father fought the witch, while mothers loving touch shattered the enchantment. The father struggled however and out of the shadows of the witch's cloak came the Iron steed and the hunter on top of its back, assisting the father.
But the witch grew strong and the father yelled "Save our daughter!". So the hunter and steed grabbed the mother and bore them both to safety as the forest was consumed.
Even now the burnt forest is a grim reminder of the father's sacrifice, to this day, any child who stares too long into the charred wasteland will be haunted by nightmares of getting lost while picking berries.

The fathers stories are now done

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