{Yes Mother Miranda}

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"My Lady? It's time to wake up"

A soft voice filled Elizabeth's ears, but not even the pleasantness of the voice was going to get her out of bed.

"Five more minutes Patrice." She groaned and slid her head under her pillows in a pathetic attempt to hide from the woman. "Now, now ma'am it's nearly noon." Patrice continues to try and coax the woman out of bed with no success.
Her frail hands grabbed the curtains and flung them on either side letting the sun beam brightly into the previously blacked-out room. Rays from the sun creeper in through the cracks of the pillows and blankets laid upon Elizabeth and she wasted no time in announcing her discomfort by whining about it.

"I'm a grown woman" Elizabeth's mumbled voice began "I should be able to sleep in until whatever time I please."

Patrice rolled her eyes and realised she had to take matters into her own hands, she tugged the blanket straight off of the woman earning a gasp from Elizabeth as she felt the coldness from the room creep onto her skin, the fire in her room hadn't been lit so she only prayed the rest of the castle was warmer.

"If I didn't love you so much I'd fire you."

Patrice chuckled as she watched the woman drag herself out of bed and shuffle towards her wardrobe. "I've been here since you were born child you couldn't get rid of me if you tried."

Elizabeth hummed as she rooted through her wardrobe for something to wear other than her night attire.

"Is it a day of hunting today?" Patrice spoke again.

"You guessed it." Elizabeth chuckled and pulled out some plain clothes, she refused to get her good clothes dirty when she went out hunting for the village.

"Well, your breakfast/dinner has already been served so make sure you eat before you leave." And with that, the elderly woman left the room

All Elizabeth could think about was the events of last night, as she looked in the mirror she saw no marks from the mildly violent events, a perk of the Cadou parasite cursing through her veins. She decided to brush her encounter with Heisenberg to one side as she stripped off her clothes and changed into her hunting attire, grabbing her bow and quiver from the side of her bed, it wasn't usually there but after last night she decided to bring it with her, in case the man decided to come back and steal some more bodies, strangely, she hoped he would come back.

When she walked back into the dining hall she saw that the mess had been cleaned up, however, there was a white sheet covering a small section of the wall, probably to cover up the hole left by Heisenberg shoving her into the wall, it would probably be fixed by the end of the day, Elizabeth didn't see the rush in fixing it when there were other things to tend to.
Her eyes drew away from the wall and focused on the table, a mixture of fruit, pastries and hot dishes had been laid out on the table, if she was honest, breakfast had to be her favourite meal of the day, a mixture of treats and normal food was the best way to start the day.

The lady was halfway through biting a croissant when a maid came in holding the telephone on a small silver platter.

"Phone call Miss Claydon." The young girl said bowing her head as she offered the device.

The croissant fell back onto the plate as Elizabeth picked up the phone and placed it to her ear.

"House Claydon." She addressed.

"Elizabeth..." a voice drawled. The woman gulped quietly before answering the person.

"Mother Miranda, what a pleasant surprise." She seethed through a fake smile as she spoke to the woman.

"I do hope I'm not disturbing." Like she would care if she was. "Absolutely not Mother Miranda, what can I help you with?"

"Well, I know you're rather busy with your duties to the village but Alcina has requested a meeting scheduled for later this afternoon and your presence is required, preferably."

Elizabeth pondered on what could be so important that she was wanted at a meeting, sure she was always required to show up at meetings but she chose not to, taking advantage of the fact that Mother Miranda favoured her to get away with things.

"Yes, Mother Miranda of course I'll be there."

"Thank you, my child."

And with that, the line cut and the call ended.

'My child' Elizabeth would be anything but her child, not after what she put her through.

Her appetite had been lost after that conversation and she thanked the help before she left to go hunting.

The air was almost bitingly cold, unsurprising after Mirandas' phone call, she was frustrated, to say the least, she hated being made to feel a part of the 'Family'. She had a family, and Miranda took her away from them for her ghastly experiments, and no one could replace them.
A rustle in the bushes pulled Elizabeth away from her thoughts as she whipped her body round to the direction of the sound, it sounded heavy, but light on its feet, she inched forward, making sure to take note of where she stepped so she didn't step in any branches that could alert the prey of her presence. Horns appeared from the tops of the bushes and Elizabeth knew exactly what she was hunting, a stag. A magnificent creature in her opinion and it tasted even better, Venison was what she considered an absolute delicacy so she really wasn't going to miss this chance.

Drawing an arrow from her quiver, she attached it to her bow, waiting for the creature to emerge from behind the bushes, it soon did and it took no notice of the woman, continuing to graze on the grass. The cold air was drawn into Elizabeth's mouth as she inhaled on the pull of the bow, waiting for the exhale.

The arrow hit the Stag straight into the side of its head, below the horns, the brain being impaled causing instant shutdown and the body quickly dropping to the ground. Elizabeth smiled to herself and walked over to the now-dead animal, leaning down she kissed its head, a show of thanks and show of sadness for its death.

"Enough of the sentiment." She said to herself before grabbing the rope from around her waist and tying its hooves together so it was easier to drag it to the village.

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now