{Saving Rose}

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Chris took the army as instructed, alerting his men to not shoot the soldats or as he worded it "The zombies with the red lights".
It broke Elizabeth's heart to leave Ethans' body but Chris assured her that his men would come and retrieve him before the bomb was activated, Karl and Lizzie bid the man farewell, their parting gift a Walkie-Talkie so they could communicate, and then he set off to his squad, to take down the Megamycite, all Elizabeth and Karl had to do was fuck Miranda up and get Rose back.

"What happens when this is all over?" She asked the man beside her.


"When it's all over, when Miranda and the Megamycite are gone, what happens to us? Do we die with them?"
The question had been playing on the woman's mind ever since Chris had mentioned blowing up the thing in the first place, Elizabeth didn't think about blowing the Megamycite up, she only really cared about killing Miranda and getting out of there, just like Karl did. They were a part of the Megamycite, the mould it created is the same mould the Cadou contained when the pair were experimented on, surely when the mould died, so would they. On the off chance it didn't, Elizabeth was still dreaming of that big white wedding she always wanted.

Karl pulled her out of the thoughts saying "If we die, we die. If we don't, we'll have that wedding we always talked about okay?" It's like he read her mind. Karl didn't want to die but he could die happily knowing he spent nearly twenty-five years with the love of his life, and the only regret he would have, is not marrying her sooner.
The pair walked hand in hand outside of the factory grounds as they made their way to the ritual site. This was their moment, their final battle, they didn't know if they were going survive, everything had gone tits up and nothing was certain, the only thing that was, was that they would go down together.

The village was in ruins, fires submerging most of the houses in flames, it was worse than when Karl first let the Lycans loose on the village and the main difference was the Mold growing like trees from the ground, it was like a large barrier, protecting the land above where Miranda's lab would be. Elizabeth looked up at it, realising that Chris would have to get through that.

"Well, Chris is fucked." She shrugged, she couldn't figure out how on earth he was going to get past that.

"Let's have some positivity here my love." Karl wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her in close for a side hug as they continue to walk. With his other hand he was bending the metal around him to his will to kill all of the incoming Lycans, there were hundreds, nearly a century of experiments that created a large mass of the creatures and tonight? They were all coming out to play.
Storm clouds started to brew above them and a few claps of thunder were heard before lighting started to descend upon the land, striking down within a quarter-mile radius, and hitting anything that was in its path. That wasn't enough, however, Elizabeth couldn't exactly see where every Lycan was so she was blind shooting with the lighting trick.

She drew the sniper from her back and held it up ready to fire as soon as anything came into view.

"What happened to the bow and arrow?" Karl chuckled.

"I'd run out of arrows too quickly and I'm not walking around picking them up, my ancestors will understand." Another chuckle came from the man as he held his hammer by his side ready to swing for any monsters that would try to come in their path.
It seemed the pair had prepared themselves just in the nick of time as a swarm approached them.

"Shall we?" Karl grabbed the woman hand and kissed it softly before making a move to killing the Lycans.


he raised her gun and started firing, the couple were unstoppable, considering Elizabeth had no proper experience with a gun, only a few tries here and there, she was doing surprisingly well.

"You're doing great Hunny!" Elizabeth yelled over the sounds of gunfire and growling from the Lycans as she saw Karl swinging the hammer from left to right, bashing the creatures' heads in and knocking them right off their shoulders.

"Not too bad yourself!" He responded.

She laughed loudly and continued firing, it seemed that her gun fun was short-lived as she ran out of bullets.
"Shit" she cursed, now her only option was to use her powers. During her battle, sweeping away Lycans up into the air with small twisters and sending them crashing to the ground killing them, she and Karl saw a strange blue light come from the other side of the village, where the mould barrier was.

"What the...?" She stopped in her tracks and went to look, the blue light held in place for a moment, before a large explosion came, seemingly weakening the barrier, it happened a few more times until the mould completely came down.

"Huh, go Chris I guess," Karl said coming up behind the woman, watching the events unfold, multitasking as he kept the wolf-like creatures away from them with a metal shield behind their backs as they watched what Chris and his men were doing.

Soon enough the swarm was gone and they could now freely make their way to the ritual site. Their final showdown with Miranda was coming closer and the anticipated was enough to make one sick. They were so close when they heard a static sound come from Elizabeth's pocket. She took the walkie out and Chris' voice came through.

"I've located the Megamycite."

Now they had to hurry, they needed to kill Miranda and get out of there fast so Chris could blow this Village sky-high.
The two shared a look and once again held each other's hand as they continued to walk, and just as they thought things couldn't get any more confusing...

"Ah, Lord and Lady Heisneberg."


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