{Graveyard Outings}

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The sound echoed around the silent estate, the help was asleep, but as per usual Elizabeth wasn't.

It was the sound of a gate breaking, the gate she had opened and locked a thousand times before, surely no one would be foolish enough to break into that part of her home? Her robe was the only thing closest to her, she didn't rush, she did not need to, she knew she'd catch the bastard, she did not doubt that. Throwing it on she started the walk out of her Chambers and down the corridors, there was no light, only the moon lit the hallways, shining on elegant pictures of the deceased occupants of the house, the place was spotless, she always needed it to be spotless, and her servants respected that and always polished and dusted the furniture of the house at least 3 times a week.

Elizabeth took a deep breath in and manipulated the wind seeping in from an open window to bring her bow and arrow to her, only light objects, didn't need a lot of effort to grab them with her powers, using the same gust of wind she blew the main doors open and exited the house into her gated garden. She began to whistle a tune, her whistles echoed through the area around her, letting whoever was there, know she was coming.
She turned a corner to see the gates of her family's yard open wide.

"You've got to be shitting me." She muttered, drawing her bow and entering the burial grounds.

"Come out come out." She taunted, her eyes darting between the mass graves and the trees, the darkness didn't help her eyesight so she was relying on her ears to scope out the intruder. She walked a few yards before the sound of a twig snapping filled her ears, and without hesitation, she fired towards that direction.

But there was no sound of the arrow coming into contact with anything.

"You drop this?" A low voice asked.

Elizabeth squinted her eyes and observed as a figure approached her, dragging a large bag behind him and holding an enormous hammer in the other.

She'd know that trench coat and fedora anywhere.

"Heisenberg." She spat.

"Guilty." He smirked as he came closer to her, it was only then she spotted her arrow hovering beside him.

"Metal tip." She tutted in realisation, she knew trying to use metal against Heisenberg was futile, if she had known it was him she would've used the weather to her advantage.

"Not the best kind of weapon to use against me." She could hear the vibration from his laughter echoing as he mocked her weapon.

"Give it back metalhead."

Elizabeth moved towards him but as soon as she took the first step he fired the arrow towards her, letting it stop right between her eyes. There was no fear in her eyes much to Heisenberg's dismay, and he pouted as he watched her simply grab the floating arrow and put it back into her quiver.

"And here I thought I could scare you just a little."

"Try better next time." She scoffed and continued to walk towards the man.


Her attention was now on the bag he was dragging behind him, it was heavy no doubt by the looks of it, but then again Heisenberg was no ordinary man. She inspected him closely, subconsciously inhaling the smoke from his thick Cuban cigar, she got closer to him and the bag, and he tensed up when she passed him and knelt beside the bag. Heisenberg's expression didn't change and he said nothing as she opened the zipper and looked inside for the contents of the bag.

"Grave robbing? Tut tut tut, naughty."

The man was shocked she didn't give a bigger reaction to him stealing the dead bodies of her family and turned around, seeing her zip the bag and get up before locking eyes with him.

"You've nicked my late uncle Maurice and his son Bernan," she stated simply.

"You gonna cry about it?" He snapped at her.

"Oh never, they were right arseholes, always trying to have their way with the maids, by all means, take them off my hands."

There was a beat of silence before Elizabeth continued.

"By the way, why are you here robbing my ancestral burial ground?"

Heisenberg had to admit, she looked intimidating standing there with her arms crossed in her nightwear, a death stare emanating from her eyes as she looked him up and down demanding answers. Almost like a mother scolding their child.

"None of your damn business." Another snap came from the man as he trudged forward tugging the bag behind him as he moved towards the gates.

A flick of her wrist was all it took for the gates to close, the breeze took off Heisenbergs hat, and believe me that didn't make him happy.
He bent down and snatched it back up only for the wind to carry it away again and towards Elizabeth.

"Not so fast." Her tone was almost sing-songy as she taunted the man, hat in hand.

"You listen here I'm not taking any of your shit right now so gimme my hat!" The bag was forgotten about as he stormed towards Elizabeth, his hammer pointing menacingly towards her.

She wasn't fazed.

"Come with me." She demanded and began to walk back towards the Castle.

"Now if you think I'm going anywhere with you-"

His dominance was short-lived as she whipped her head around, her dark hair flying with her as she stared him down through his round-tinted glasses.

He said nothing and followed promptly, dragging the bodies behind him.

Silence filled the air between the two, the only thing to be heard was the distant howl of a lycan or two. The main gates were already open from her previous exit so the pair walked straight in, Elizabeth leading.

"Shut the door will you?" She spoke and with a huff, Heisenberg manipulated the metal lock on the door to close and lock itself behind them as they continued their stroll through the corridors. A small golden bell caught Heisenberg's eye and no sooner than it did the woman reached her hand over to ring it. The chime echoed throughout the building and it was only a few minutes before the sound of numerous doors started opening, this was followed by the pattering of footsteps along the wooden floors.

"What's going on?" Heisenberg asked her cautiously.

"Well, food of course." Elizabeth turned to him with a small smile.

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