{The Ball Prt 3}

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Elizabeth searched the room but there was no sign of Karl, she could've sworn she saw him seated while she was dancing but now he was nowhere to be seen.

"Donna?" Elizabeth approached the veiled woman, but she got no answer from her but she did however get an answer from Angie.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Look at your dress!" The doll circled her with admiration making the woman chuckle.

"Thank you Angie, and might I say your dress is looking extra stunning this evening." Elizabeth used to love dolls as a child, always dressing them up like royalty so she was sincere in her compliment to the doll.

"See I told you she was my favourite!" Jumping back into her owner's arms Angie giggled pointing to the woman and Elizabeth could've sworn she saw a smile come from Donna under the dark veil.

"Donna I'm sorry to bother you but you haven't seen Heisenberg anywhere have you?"

Donna looked over towards the kitchen doors and motioned gently, "he went outside not long ago, the kitchen leads to the courtyard I think he's out there."

"He didn't look too happyyyyy. " Angie sniggered, Elizabeth thanked the two and hoisted her dress up slightly as she made her way to the courtyard. Sure enough, Heisenbergs was there, leaning against a pillar smoking his thick Cuban cigars as usual.
He didn't notice her so she used the opportunity to take her heels off, feeling the coldness of the concrete as she crept towards him.

Slowly but surely she got behind him and she swiftly grabbed the cigar from out of his hand.

"What the-" Karl was about to beat the shit out of whoever just took his cigar but he instantly calmed down when he saw who it was, he looked down to meet the woman's gaze, noticing her heels were off.

"Isn't it a bit cold to be barefoot?" He raised a brow at her and she shrugged. "Well you would've heard me if I had kept them on." It was a good point and he nodded in agreement before taking his beloved cigar back and taking a long hard drag.

"Have fun with your dance partner?"
She noticed his tone was off, really off.

"Not really, he kinda pissed me off as well, he's lucky I didn't stab him with my heel." Elizabeth chuckled and so did Heisenberg because they both knew that she would've been more than prepared to stab someone at any moment. "Besides, I think I already have a dance partner." She continued.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I think we make quite a dance duo don't you think?" Karl watched as she slipped her heels back on, she did everything so gracefully he didn't know how she did it.

"Well I'm definitely better than you so..." Elizabeth gasped at his words in false shock. "How dare you." She placed a hand over her chest, a distraught look on her face.

"Truth hurts my Liebling" he smiled as he dropped the cigar on the ground and crushed it with his shoe.

"What does that word even mean? You've called it me what? Three times now? And I have no clue what it means."

The nickname name had been playing on Elizabeth's mind for a while and now she was determined to know what it meant.

"It means 'darling'" she would have been lying if she said she wasn't in shock by the meaning, she expected it would've meant something like 'idiot' knowing Heisenberg, she didn't expect it to be a term of endearment.

"Oh..." was all she could muster.

"What you don't like it?" He took a step forward.

"And so what if I didn't?" She took a step forward.

"Well, I wouldn't care."

The two were so close, faces inches apart, noses almost touching as they spoke.
Elizabeth's eyes flickered to his lips for a moment and her breath hitched in her throat as she felt his arm slide around her waist bringing her closer, he leant towards her when...


The two pulled away quickly and they turned to the door to see the triplets piling out to find Elizabeth.

"Donna told us you were out here with Uncle Heisenberg!"

"The cake is about to come out get in here!"

An awkward cough was exchanged as Elizabeth gathered herself and went towards the girls, not saying a word to the man.


The cake was stunning, a large three-tiered cake, of course, enclosed in red and black fondant and decorated with fresh roses.

The three girls rushed to blow their candles out as soon as everyone had stopped singing 'happy birthday', Elizabeth cheered as did everyone else, Heisenberg wasn't in sight, and that was kind of a relief for the woman, after their encounter moments ago she didn't necessarily want to face him right now.

"Happy birthday my sweets." Alcina embraced her daughters and Elizabeth must admit it was a nice sight to see, Alcina wasn't the nicest person but to her daughters, she was an angel.
The girls went off to dance before the evening came to a close and Elizabeth stood alone with Alcina.

"You're a good mother Alcina." She spoke softly to the woman as she picked up a glass of wine. The giant woman looked towards her 'sister' and gave a half smile.

"I try to be, I brought them into the world- I may not have birthed them, but it seemed only right that I raise them anyway." To meet Elizabeth halfway Alcina clicked her fingers and some maids hurried over with a chair for her, she sat gracefully and turned to Elizabeth.

"Have you ever thought about them?" She asked.

Elizabeth nearly choked on her drink when she asked that.

"You mean kids? I mean sure but I'm not even sure if I could even have children because of the Cadou, besides I know nothing about children." Her answers were quick and in a very nervous tone.

"My my my is that a sense of nerves in your tone? I wouldn't expect anything to scare you." Alcina laughed and Elizabeth finished off her drink before going to grab another one, the barmaid had left the bottle for her at this point.

"It doesn't scare me, it's just the thought of the unknown I suppose." Leaning against a pillar Elizabeth thought hard about it, she'd love to have a miniature version of her running around but she just didn't know if she could do it, and she didn't want Miranda to take that child away from her should she have one.

"Well if it's any consolation" The Lord stood from her chair and looked down once again, "You're great with the triplets."

It's You And Me ~ Karl Heisenberg Where stories live. Discover now