Jai imagine

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{A/N TRIGGER WARNING. This is about self harm and may be hard to read for some of you.}

You walked into your room, sloping to the floor you grabbed your blade. Tears pouring down your cheeks as all the events of today took their toll on you. One simple thing and you broke. As you cut Jai walked in. "(Y/n)" he screamed, shock then sadness registering on his face as he saw you. "Baby what's happened" he asked throwing your blade out of the window, cradling you in his arms. As you poured your heart out to him he sat and listened, holding you comfortingly in his loving embrace. Turning you to face him, he kissed your cuts, then looking into your eyes he spoke "stop mutilating yourself. You're leaving scars on perfection. I love you" he said. That night you fell asleep in his arms, emotionally and physically exhausted but loved and safe in Jai's arms.

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