Personal luke brooks imagine(so many luke girls!!)

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It was coming to yours & Luke's 2 year anniversary and you knew he was up to something, he'd been disappearing a lot which worried you slightly, although Jai reassured you that he wasn't cheating. 

*Day of the anniversary*

You are currently sat in a taxi with Luke going to an unknown destination, well it's unknown to you. You've begged, pouted, even gave puppy dog eyes and Luke won't budge. After about half an hour Luke told you that you'd arrived at the destination, looking out of the taxi window you saw a huge building. Smiling at Luke excitedly, you grabbed his hand tugging him into the building. As you got closer you saw a huge door, opening it so many people jumped up shouting "surprise" but your eyes locked on five guys, One Direction. "YOU GOT ONE DIRECTION FOR ME?" you asked Luke. Smirking he said "lets go meet them then." Walking up to them, you fidgeted with your hair. "Hello love" Louis said. "We heard your a huge fan" he continued, glancing at Luke. "y..y.yess." you stuttered. One Direction laughed, one by one coming to hug you, you grabbing each one for a selfie. Once you'd said as much as you could to One Direction -which wasn't much because your still in shock- Luke took you away to a corner. "This isn't the only surprise" he said "this is a party"! On queue the music started playing your favourite song, you felt arms around you it was Daniel, looking around you saw the other boys were also here. "Would you care to dance with me?" Luke asked, as he took your hand, leading you towards the centre of the room. You swayed happily around to the music. Luke moved closer towards you, leaning down a bit, he said "I love you Bella". Attaching his lips to yours with a kiss you never wanted to end.

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