38) You make a YouTube video together

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Jai; You were a bit hesitant to make a YouTube video with him as you knew they would be comparisons between the one he made with Ariana, that's why you chose to do a challenge. You decided to do the milk challenge again, especially to shut Jai up about how this time he'll win. Turns out he weren't wrong. After you drunk about half of the huge bottle you started to feel sick, sloping against the wall you sighed, putting the milk down. Meanwhile Jai danced around like an idiot, throwing his bottle in the air as he'd finished it. When he turned to you he stopped dancing and cuddled you, getting you water. The victory not half as important as you are to him.

James; Since you and James are both chatterboxs you decided to do the whisper challenge with him and a couple of friends. It was hilarious and your pretty sure they were all sexual stuff. The fans love the video because it shows how genuinely happy James is with you and how genuine and likable you are.

Beau; You decided to do a video a bit like Zoella and Alfies one except everytime one of you got a question wrong about each other you'd get water over your head. By the end of it you'd both got soaked, as Beau got up to stop the camera recording he slipped and fell on you. Both of you not able to get up as you couldn't stop laughing.

Daniel; A lot of the boys were bragging about how good their make up challenges were so it was only fair to see how Daniel did yours. You didn't have much faith in him since he was pretty dopey and had never really watched you put it on. Unsurprisingly you came out looking like a panda, seeing your reflection in the mirror you quoted Daniel in the creeping video. "IM A PANDA RAWR" "Lets be pandas together" he daid as you got in your matching panda onesies, taking pictures together.

Luke; You knew better than to try and do a challenge video with Luke so you did a truth or dare video. Dying with laughter as you dared Luke to put on a girls wig and run down the street naked. His girlish ass putting yours to shame. It's safe to say the neighbours gave him death stares for a few days after that.

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