3)thing you do on twitcam

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(A/N- Not one of my best but I hope you enjoy. Share it with other janoskian fans on twitter/tumblr/facebook by just copying the URL/website link)

Jai; we all know Jai always has to have his hair perfect and it takes him a while to get it right so you always do it for him. If he feels it doesn't look right he'll automatically turn to you for you to fix it, he did this during a twitcam once and the fans found it cute because it showed how much he trusts you.

Luke; accents. Being from another country to Luke you were always amused by his accent, you'd been with him that long sometimes you found yourself impersonating him easily. During one twitcam with Luke a fan asked you to do this, so you decided to mimic Luke in one of his temper tantrums.

Beau; If you were telling a story on twitcam or waiting for a question to come through Beau would tend to fidget and his hands normally wandered to your hair. Curling your soft hair around his finger, once he'd done that he'd usually rest his head again yours- Beau's way of showing affection.

Daniel/Skip; One time you accidentally got caught kissing on twitcam, nothing heated but it became a thing that the fans always wanted him to kiss you. You didn't get why but you didn't mind, most of the kisses were innocent  but when they turned into something more you put a quick stop to the twitcam.

James; With you being quite petite and shy James always sat you on his lap with his arms around you on twitcam, you felt it was his way of protecting you. You didn't mind, it was a comfortable and safe place for you. Sometimes he'd kiss you on the cheek whilst sat in that position.

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