35) He's scared. (2/5)

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Jai; He's scared you'll leave him.
Jai was just about to start his world tour with the janoskians meaning he'd be away from you for 6 months. You are laid on the bed together, just cuddled up, talking when he asked "do you think we'll make it?" "Make what?" You asked confused. "Like we'll make it through" You sighed, annoying at how what Ariana did has put doubt in Jai's head that he's not good enough. "Look at me" you say, turning so Jais facing you. "I love you. I won't leave. It'll be hard, but I'll come to the shows, I'll Skype, you're doing what makes you happy and that makes me happy." Jai smiled, holding you tighter as you made the most of your final night together.

Beau; He's scared the fans will leave him.
Recently Beau had been receiving a lot of criticisms on how he's been treating the fans. You knew it was all bullshit and so did he. Beau loves his fans but the rumours were getting to the fandom. "Why do they believe I'm such a dick?" He looks at you with teary eyes. "I'm going to lose them all!" He said as he ran into your arms, as you comforted him til he ran out of tears. {A/N I cried writing this one. I love Beau too much to be mad about what he did or didn't do.}

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