Meeting for the first time

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Takes place on hermitcraft 6 I think, Sorry if everything isn't accurate.


Mumbo's pov----

Grian has joined the game

     A new person? I looked up into the sky and Xisuma was flying towards spawn. Eh, I'll find them later. I gotta finish this redstone before I do anything else. Hopefully he's nice like the rest of us.


Grian's pov----

     This place is so pretty, I can't believe they let me into this server. I saw someone flying towards me.     'Hello.'     He landed infront of me.     'You must be Grian.'     I nodded, thinking I was in trouble.     'A-am I in trouble..?'     He shook his head.     'No, I've come to show your around, how the fuck did you already get an elytra.'     He was staring at my wings.     'There not an elytra, there my wings..'     He looked me up and down and nodded.     'Do not grief, ask before taking anything, no swearing, and be nice.'     I nodded.     'Will do'     He smiled then flew off. I walked around and looked at the builds people have made. I wonder if I could build somewhere around here.


     I accidently blew up a machine because a stupid creeper was behind me, half my health is gone. My communicater buzzed and I opened it up.     'Grian did you blow this machine up?'     I didn't answer, I was scared. I broke one of the rules, I could get kicked out. I can't go back, im finally away, and having fun, but right now isn't so fun..     'Grian?'     I put the communicater down and pulled my knees to my chest.     'Dude my machine! I'm killing whoever broke it.'     I got more scared and closed my eyes tightly. I was hiding in a nearby building, It's probably someone's house. I Heard a door open and opened my eyes a bit. I heard quiet footsteps and something like a redstone contraption go off. I stayed quiet and just stayed in the corner of the room. I laid my head on my knees and waited.

No ones pov (Third person)----

     Mumbo walked to the kitchen and got himself a bottle of water. He was frustrated he and Scar's machine got blown up. Scar was cleaning up all the broken parts. Mumbo managed to calm Scar down so he wouldn't go on a killing spree trying to find who did it. Mumbo heard sniffles from another room over. He opened up his communicater.

GoodtimeswithScar: I'm pretty sure the new guy did it.

     Mumbo closed it and looked at the room he heard the sniffle come from. He slowly walked to it and stepped inside and saw Grian sat in the floor in his wings.      How did he already get an elytra?      Mumbo throught to himself. Mumbo walked up to Grian and quietly sat beside him.     'Did you blow up our machine?'     Grian couldn't help but jump. He was on edge. They both were silent. Grian nodded and kept his view down.     'On purpose?'     Grian shook his head and closed his eyes. He was afraid to talk, he was scared what the man beside him was gonna do. Grian felt him pat his wings. Mumbo never knew how to calm a sad person, he's just not good with things like that. It seemed to be working as in Grian relaxed to the touch.     'Sooooo'     Grian looked over at him.     'Grian was it?'     Grian nodded and giggled with a smile.


     'That seemed like ages ago.'      Grian had his ear plug in listening to a sleep Mumbo.     'I think you should sleep soon Mumbo.'      Scar flew over to Grian.     'Hey Grian, I got the things you asked for'     Grian smiled.     'Thanks Scar, you can go place them down over near my shulkers'     Scar nodded then flew over to his shulkers and set the box down. He waved goodbye to Grian then flew away from the area.     'As I was saying-'     He heard light snoring from the other side of the mic. Grian muted himself so he wouldn't wake Mumbo up.


For whoever reads this thank you for joining and reading! :D

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