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(The name is a good relationship name between two good friends, Grian and Scar. This is not shipping them)


No one's pov (Third person)

Scar was messsing around with the Afk boy once again. He was trying to figure out a way to mess with him. Suddenly he got a good idea. He got a curse of binding pumpkin and grabbed a despencer from his chest. He popped it onto him and boxed him back up how he was. Once Grian came back he was a bit mad. He didn't wanna die and loose all his levels. He spent way over two hours trying to get them.


He walked around the Hermitcraft server for awhile with people looking his way and letting out a snicker or walking up to him to ask what happened. He kept bumping into everything due it being hard to see with the stupid pumpkin on his head. He finally found Scar and started hitting him with a stick.     'Hey!-'     The older started running as the younger followed him.  (Btw net chapter im putting down my Hermitcraft Au's, I'd appericate if you read those to :D) 'Scar get back here you owe me!'     Scar quipped his elytra and flew up with Grian trailing behind.


Scar trapped a mad Grian to a chair. Complete chaos broke loose as they were trying to make a deal. Grian wouldn't let Scar kill him because of his levels. Scar just couldn't please the younger, Grian was actually upset. He usually dosen't stay upset for long but this has gone over an hour. He finally got an idea and picked up a peeler and walked over to Grian.

The shorter looked up at the mirror and saw the red marks of where Scar pryed the pumpkin off of him. At least he got to keep his levels. It was a win win situation and they were both pleased with the outcome.

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