Eye contact

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        He was never one to look someone in the eyes, ever. He absolutely hated it. When he was younger he would be forced to look people in the eyes and keep his composure and he often did, that was until he lost one of his eyes in a war that broke out in the town. He was only 13 and had to deal with such a horrid thing. Flash forward a year later he got a part in his eye, he was on the brink of death for a few years but still tried to keep strong. Xisuma soon found him after the years he spent alone and was brought to the server, Hermitcraft. He barely knew english so people had trouble communicating with people until he slowly taught himself to understand the new language he was introduced to.

       Fast forward to the present. Iskall was playing a minigame with his friends. The rounds soon finished and they walked up to a small little table area. Arm wrestling. Sure why not? Iskall sat down on one of the chairs and Cub sat down on the other one. People started chanting around them 'go go go go!' Cub and Iskall started and Iskall nearly flipped Cub over the table. "Jesus dude!" "Sorry Cub-" Iskall helped Cub up and pat his shoulder. Everyone had a go with each other and Xisuma was the only one to flip Iskall over the table. (Poor table, they nearly broke it D:)

      The night went on with everyone playing minigames and one of the last ones was a staring contest it went precisely like this:

      Joe vs ZombieCleo

    Mumbo vs Grian

   Scar vs False

 Cub vs Ren

   Pearl vs Grian (Mumbo lost lol)

    Tango vs Impulse

     Then Zedaph vs Tango

     Cleo won, Grian won, False won, Ren won, Pearl won, Tango won, then Zedaph and Tango tied. A few turned to Stress and Iskall who were talking, Xisuma was planning on where they could get food from. Grian and Tango pulled Stress and Iskall to the chairs and sat both of them down. "You guys gotta do it too!" Grian exclaimed and Stress smiled a bit. Tango grinned and ran back to Zed and Impulse. Iskall shifted uncomfortably in the seat he was sitting in and tried to speak but Stress spoke up before him. "Fine by me" Stress looked towards Iskall and he was staring right down at the table. "Luv, you're not supposed to be having a staring contest with the table!" (I think Stress is the one that calls everyone 'Luv' so it's not shipping, just a smol note for ppl who might be uncomfortable with it) Iskall Sighed and slightly looked up at Stress, She couldn't be scary when looked in in the eyes, right.? Oh boy how he was so very wrong. Stress's face went to a stone-cold face and stared at Iskall, looking as if she was mad. Iskall panicked but kept eye contact with her. Iskall didn;t move other than bouncing his leg up and down. Xisuma got done with a phone call and looked over at them, idmentaily starting to panic. Iskalls breathing was normal but he was panicking. It felt like he couldn't breath inside his own lungs. Xisuma quickly rushed over and put his hand over Iskalls eye. "That's enough. Everyone go play different minigames, I'll be with you all in a moment." Everyone glanced at each other and slowly walked off. Iskall couldn't move but he quickly averted his gaze down to the table. "Hey Buddy, It's X. Can you look at me please? We don't have to make eye contact" Xisuma gently patted his shoulder as Iskall slowly looked up at him. "How about let's relax a bit then we can go get food with the ground eh?" Iskall smiled and nodded, looking back down. He could still feel his heart racing. Xisuma ruffled his hair and helped him stand up. Xisuma smiled behind his mask and led him over to the ground. Stress tackled him into a hug and Xisuma went over to Grian and Tango, who then proceeded to tell them off. A few others joined the hug and a few of them laughed and giggled. Iskall loved the warmth of his friends and all the moments they shared together. "Let's go get food!" Xisuma called all of them over and everyone followed him. Xisuma was like a father to them all, he always kept things in order and kept everyone safe. There was that one time.. That's for another story. He has a large scar on his side from protecting his hermits. He was their father figure after all!


Sorry this one was short but i hope you guys enjoyed it, i rushed it because i had to get something out! Stay safe my fellow friends and ill have one called blood spill up soon!

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