Respawn pt 1

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(Xisuma's pov)

IJevin melted in the water. (Don't ask)

         I looked at my communicator and sighed, starting to fly over to Jevins base. When he started to respawn it was never the prettiest, Luckily he died that much but when he did it was Chaos! He would often thrash around, quickly trying to respawn, worried all his work would go to waste. Cub usually went to go get his things and brought them home to find me holding Jevin down on the bed so he wouldn't have gotten hurt.

        Cub soon came with all of Jevin's things and put it all in a barrel beside his bed. I had to hold Jevin down as soon as I got here because he was thrashing around. He has a quite unique way of respawning. False is special as well because she'll get up and fight you as soon as she respawns but it's not actually her fighting us, it's kinda like another side of her. Jevin would calm down every now and again to scratch at his skin acting like he was still in the water. He was gonna be exhausted when he woke up. Thankfully I wear a helmet because he hits and slaps everything. How did he even fall in the water? He had an elytra and he always makes sure it's fully recovered before flying, so how did he fall into water? Jevin is part slime so he disintegrated in the water. He slowly started to go back to normal and he opened his eyes, looking at me. He groaned and held onto his hoodie. He was gonna be sore for a day or two that was for sure.

     "Hey Jevin, you feel better?" He nodded and sighed.

     "Much better after I'm not in that swamp anymore" He sat up from the bed and rubbed his head.

     "Are you still hurting anymore anywhere? If so let me know so i can look at the coding"

     "Woah woah, calm down! I'm fine, just sore everywhere" I sighed and ruffled his now messy hair.

     "Hey!" I snickered and got up.

     "It's the least I could do since I think you gave me a bruise or three" He made an 'Oops' face and got up.

           He hugged me and I patted his shoulder. He let go and started getting things out of his chest and putting them on.

     "So how did you die?" He sighed and groaned.

     "Frickin Beef pushed me into the water!"

     "Well I'm sure he didn't mean to"

     "Yeah, he did have a worried face once he realized i started taking damage in the water, i'll go talk to him about it-"

     "Without violence" He nodded and took off.

     I smiled and left for my project i was working on before i came to jevins. Before I left I admired his house then flew back. I wonder what he was building anyway. Whatever it was he sure does make things look good!

(No one's pov)

Xisuma finished up his project and went to help others since he was free. He started to feel lightheaded and swayed back and forth, trying to keep his ground. To no luck he fell and passed out. A few others screamed from the distance and all X could see was three blobbed figures running towards him. He could feel himself rapidly taking damage and poof. He had died.


Sorry this one was so short but working on a part 2 already! Be safe my fellow friends :D

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